Gun User Surrenders; Says Nephew’s Death Accidental

“William Thornton, aged 40, who is charged with killing his nephew, Ned Thornton, aged 24, at the former’s home at High Hill, Adams county, surrendered to Sheriff Petit at Rome last night. He was taken to West Union, where he was lodged in the county jail. He will be arraigned Continue Reading

Two Markers for Ohio’s Second Governor: Thomas Kirker

In Kirker Cemetery, near West Union, Adams County, Ohio, are two markers dedicated to the second Governor of Ohio, Thomas Kirker.Thomas Kirker, a native of Tyrone County, Ireland, was born about 1760 and emigrated to America in 1769. He and Sarah Smith traveled through Pennsylvania and into Kentucky where they Continue Reading

The Drake Family: One Mystery Leads to Another

West Union Village Cemetery, also known as “The Old Cemetery” is atop a small hill at the southern terminus of Market Street in West Union, Adams County, Ohio. The cemetery is neatly divided in half by a paved road; with northern hillside being the historic section, it’s southern slope a Continue Reading

The Cenotaph of Corporal Carey M Moore

At the International Order of Odd Fellows Cemetery in West Union, Adams County, Ohio, stands a bronze star-shaped cenotaph, in memory of the young man who never returned home. Corporal Carey McKinley “Mac” Moore, son of Carey Edward Moore and Lillian R. Tracy, was born December 6, 1896.He was killed Continue Reading

Treasure in a Shot Bag

“It was known to a certainty that the late Newton Moore had a considerable amount of gold concealed somewhere about his house, but it could not be found. One day last week a shot bag full of gold was discovered lying on a bed slat, and covered with the mattress Continue Reading

The Stolen Body of Roscoe Parker

Robbed the Negro’s Grave. Body of Roscoe Parker, the Boy Murder Mobbed in Adams County, Stolen from the Grave The grave of Roscoe Parker, the colored lad who was mobbed in Adams County, little over a year ago, was opened a few nights ago by body snatchers and the remains Continue Reading