“Henry Duncan, of Carter county, Kentucky, a member of Company F, 22nd Kentucky Regiment, started for the reunion Wednesday morning, in company with a neighbor, and met his death in a tragic way, in sight of this city where he was joyfully expecting to meet his comrades and friends.” “They Continue Reading
John K. Duke: Preferred Death to the Pen
“John K. Duke, who was convicted last week at Portsmouth of embezzling the funds of two of the Building & Loan Associations of that city, thwarted the aims of justice by shooting himself through the head with a revolver, a few minutes before he was to have been sentenced to Continue Reading
A Hero of 1812 Mustered Out
“Matthew Brown, a gallant soldier of the War of 1812, and a resident of Greenup county, Kentucky, died last Thursday night, in his 87th year. He was one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of the county, and unmarried.”
The Obituary of Peter Noel
“Peter Noel, an ol citizen of Scioto county, died at his residence in Clay township o Tuesday last, in the ninetieth year of his age. His father Philip Noel, emigrated to this county in the fall of 1798, with seven children -Peter, the eldest, being then in his 12th year. Continue Reading
The Hard Life of George Royal
“George Royal was the name given to a stranger arrested by Henry Koger, special officer, Saturday evening. He claimed to be from Quincy, Kentucky. After being put behind bars on a drunk and disorderly charge the stranger tore down the electric lights and wires in the jail. He was released Continue Reading
Veteran CCC Enrollee Eugene Bell Falls Dead
“Eugene Bell, 40, colored, of Cedar Avenue, Cleveland, a member of the World war veterans unit occupying Camp Roosevelt on Turkey Creek, fell dead of a heart attack at 11:35 AM today.” “Bell was in the headquarters office signing paper for his discharge from the CCC when fatally stricken. Dr. Continue Reading
1948: Accident on Divide Hill Results in Triple Funeral
“Three young men killed, including two brothers, and five persons injured was the traffic toll in the Portsmouth area for the weekend.” “Killed in a one-car accident on Route 73 near McDermott road intersection early Sunday were: Harry Edward Kidder, 27 of Otway Route 2. Herman Kidder, 18, brother of Continue Reading
Richard Doyle, D-Day Veteran, Killed As Plane Burns, Falls Into River
Body, Recovered Today, Reveals Fire Swept To Cockpit “Richard T. Doyle, 34, son of the late Billy Doyle, famous major league baseball scout, lost his life about 6 p.m. Wednesday when the plane he was piloting caught fire and plunged into the Ohio River.” “An unidentified witness reported he saw Continue Reading
Murder Attempt Climaxed by Man’s Suicide
Home of City Patrolman Scene Of Knife Play After Lover’s Quarrel “Disappointment in love was blamed by police today for a suicide and attempted murder about 7 p.m. Saturday when Carl Royal, 32 of 913 11th st, died by his own hand and Miss Ruth Downes, 28, of 1215 11th Continue Reading
The Death of Lebern T. Sexon
“Lebern Tyree Sexton, 37, a Norfolk & Western Railway worker, died suddenly Monday at 12:45 at his home in Fullerton.” “Mr. Sexton had become ill at work and had stopped to consult a physician in Portsmouth before returning home where he died. Death was attributed to a heart attack.” “Mr. Continue Reading