“Last Saturday morning about half-past eight o’clock, Mrs. Harriet Jones, relict of Colonel HE Jones, expired at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Timbrooks, in the eastern suburbs of the city, after a long and tedious illness of consumption. Deceased was in her 45th year, and by her genial, sunny Continue Reading
The Obituary of Miss Ida Kirby
“Miss Ida Kirby, step-daughter of Mr. James Keyes, died of quick consumption last Monday night, after several months of painful illness. She was a member of Sixth Street Methodist Episcopal Church, a kind and affectionate daughter, and much beloved by her acquaintances. Her funeral services were conducted at her late Continue Reading
Consumption Claims John W. Sullens
“John Wesley Sullens, aged 21, the son of William and Mary Sullens, died at his parent’s home, No. 540 East Seventh street, Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. He had been ill for nine months, first being taken down with typhoid fever. This developed into consumption and the latter disease caused Continue Reading
John Antonia Lutz Dies of Consumption
“John, son of Mrs. JN Lutz, died this morning at 4 o’clock of consumption aged twenty-two years and eight months. Deceased lived with his mother at No. 311 East Ninth street and until recently was an employee of Drew Selby & Company, shoe factory. He was born in this city Continue Reading
Consumption’s Victim
“Miss Lulu Hutsenpiller, aged 18 years, died at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Rebecca Evans, at Pond Run, Monday, after an illness of several weeks from consumption. She was a working member of the M.E. church, and was well and favorably known by many friends in this city. She Continue Reading
Luther Rice, Gassed in World War, Called By Death
“Death Sunday morning at 9:15 o’clock claimed Luther Rice who made his home with his parents o a houseboat near York park. Death was caused by tuberculosis after more than a two years’ illness. Rice was a veteran of the World War and was gassed while serving Uncle Sam’s forces Continue Reading
The Death of Clarence Workman
“Clarence Workman, of the West Side, died Sunday afternoon of consumption. He was in his eighteenth year, and resided with Mr. Harry Cole. His funeral took place from Old Town Church Tuesday morning.”
Miss Anna Stamm Dies of Consumption
“Anna Stamm, a young lady twenty-five years of age, died Wednesday night at the home of her mother, on Jefferson street. Death was caused by consumption. In company with another family the Stamm’s came from Germany a few years ago. After remaining here awhile the men of the family got Continue Reading
Changes Sought by County Board to Cut ’39 Costs
Commissioners Propose Closing of Infirmary and Moving Children’s Home Boys to Farm “Virtual collapse of Scioto county government in 1939 because of lack of finances was pictures Wednesday night when members of the board of county commissioners met to discuss the county’s financial problem.” “In an effort to effect reductions Continue Reading
Mrs. Ed Workman Admitted to the Infirmary
“Mrs. Ed Workman, of No. 55 Mill Street, who is dangerously ill with tuberculosis, was warranted over to the county authorities Tuesday, and will be admitted to the infirmary.” Ohio Certificate of Death for Lena Workman The Obituary of Lena Brown Workman “Mrs. Lena Worman, aged 20 years, wife of Continue Reading