“There are many things in Portsmouth to please the eye and satisfy the natural longing in the human breast for the artistic; but nothing fills this long felt want quite so completely, in our humble estimation, as the ‘Cogswell Fountain,’ which pours forth its sparking stores of the beverage which Continue Reading
The Life and Death of Moses Gregory
“Died at his residence in Portsmouth, Ohio, December 15, 1871, Moses Gregory, in the 71st year of his age.” “As Mr. Gregory was one of our oldest citizens, and had been identified with interests of Portsmouth from his early childhood. till the day of his death, it becomes necessary to Continue Reading
Former Lucasville Woman Compels Her Husband to Sign a Temperance Pledge
“A young man named Dixon who formerly lived near Lucasville, in this county, but who has been working in the machine shops at Kenova was the central figure in an animated scene at the latter place Thursday. Dixon who worked about the Brushart planing mill last summer left for Kenova Continue Reading