“Harry Johnson of Nauvoo appealed to county officers today to search for his father, Frank Johnson, 69, of West Side, who has been missing since March 19.” “William Spriggs of Dry Run told county officers that he saw Mr. Johnson walking toward the Scioto river bridge.” “Apprehension that their father, Continue Reading
The Sad Occurence of Lt. James M. Jones
“The community was shocked last Wednesday when a telegram from Newport, Rhode Island, was received by Postmaster Damarin staring that Lieutenant James M. Jones was perhaps fatally shot, and requesting the Postmaster to break the news to the family. David L. Jones, brother of the lieutenant, telegraphed immediately for particulars Continue Reading
John K. Duke: Preferred Death to the Pen
“John K. Duke, who was convicted last week at Portsmouth of embezzling the funds of two of the Building & Loan Associations of that city, thwarted the aims of justice by shooting himself through the head with a revolver, a few minutes before he was to have been sentenced to Continue Reading
The Explosive Demise of Colonel Wilson Houchins
“A man named Colonel Wilson Houchins, living near Fluvanna Court House, Virginia, killed his wife and child and mother-in-law with an ax, last Tuesday, chopping them in a frightful manner. He then sat himself upon a keg of blasting powder, smoked his pipe and then touched off the powder and Continue Reading
The Insanity and Suicide of John A. Seifert
“Between the hours of midnight Sunday night and daylight Monday morning, John A. Seifert, a German residing on Seventh street, got up out of bed, he slept with one of the children, without being observed by the family, and going into the itchen drew a razor, and in the darkness Continue Reading
Greenup Girl Takes Her Life in Cincinnati
“Belle Roberts, a domestic, employed at the Palace Hotel, committed suicide at that hostelry by taking a dose of carbolic acid. Despondency, caused by disappointment in love, is the reason given. The case was a remarkable one, inasmuch as the victim wrote letters in which she jokingly referred to what Continue Reading
Gun Wound Fatal for Girl at Stout
“Virginia Frost, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Frost of Stout, Adams county, died in Mercy hospital at 5:30 AM today of a shotgun wound in the left chest. The small shot, according to Coroner Virgil Fowler, were self-inflicted, and caused lung hemorrhages. The shot missed the heart.” “According Continue Reading
The Sad Tragic Endings: Alexander’s Final Act and the Heartbreak of His Family
“During the summer months, Alexander has been sleeping in the stable in the tear of his home. His wife chose the comforts of the environments of the bedroom in the dwelling. Arising from his bed at an unusually early hour, Alexander walked into the house. Without arousing his wife, Rachel Continue Reading
Think Suicide is Wash Baker
“The finding of the badly decomposed body of a man, apparently 70 or 75 years of age, hanging from the limb of a tree in the woods four miles from Stewartsville, Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, leads to the theory that the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Wash Baker, the Continue Reading
Drowned Herself in the Ohio River
“Mrs. William Pitts, of East Eighth street, though a message received Thursday morning, learned that her niece, Miss Louella White, aged 26, had committed suicide Wednesday by throwing herself in the Ohio river.” “The scene of the tragic affair was at Kanaugua, a small town four miles east of Gallipolis. Continue Reading