Showing 16 Result(s)

Gun Wound Fatal for Girl at Stout

“Virginia Frost, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Frost of Stout, Adams county, died in Mercy hospital at 5:30 AM today of a shotgun wound in the left chest. The small shot, according to Coroner Virgil Fowler, were self-inflicted, and caused lung hemorrhages. The shot missed the heart.” “According to relatives who talked with …


Think Suicide is Wash Baker

“The finding of the badly decomposed body of a man, apparently 70 or 75 years of age, hanging from the limb of a tree in the woods four miles from Stewartsville, Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, leads to the theory that the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Wash Baker, the aged Rosemount citizen, has been …


Drowned Herself in the Ohio River

“Mrs. William Pitts, of East Eighth street, though a message received Thursday morning, learned that her niece, Miss Louella White, aged 26, had committed suicide Wednesday by throwing herself in the Ohio river.” “The scene of the tragic affair was at Kanaugua, a small town four miles east of Gallipolis. Eluding the vigilance of relatives, …


A Failed Reconciliation Ends in Death

“Despondent because he could not bring about a reconciliation between himself and his wife of a year, Edward McCoy, 48, of 1826 Timmonds Avenue, took his life Wednesday at the home of his estranged wife, Mrs. Bessie Conrad McCoy of Russell Road. Mr. McCoy had gone to the home to talk to his wife, from …

Event Person

The Tragic Death of Ray L. Lyon

“Ray L. Lyon, son of Mrs. MC Lyon, the proprietor of the Corning Times and also the Valley House, of that place, shot himself through the heart at 10:30 Tuesday evening, in Frank Hacquard’s gun store on Front street.” “The circumstances, which are somewhat peculiar, are in brief as follows:” “About half past nine o’clock, …


The Death of Esther Kinker on the Scioto River

“City fireman dragged the Scioto river in search of the body of Miss Esther Kinker, 19, of 1915 Summit street, WPA office worker, who disappeared early Tuesday morning.” “Leaning that Miss Kinker’s coat had been found on the Scioto river bridge, Sheriff Earl C. Brandel requested Fire Chief Robert R. Leedom to have firemen drag …

Event Place

The Suicide of Photographer John N. Lutz

“Wednesday forenoon about half-past 11 o’clock JN Lutz, the well-known photographer, was discovered running rapidly from the direction of Jack Cropper’s saloon, diagonally across the street towards his own residence. Charley Wertz was driving along in his buggy at the time, and slightly reigning in his horse said:” “Hello, Jack, What’s your hurry?” “Cause enough …

Event Person

Despondent Elza Osborn Attempts to Commit Suicide

“Elza Osborn, a Lawson Heights man, who was reported missing Tuesday, was found early this morning, lying flat on his back and covered with a mosquito bar, in a neighbor’s yard, in a serious condition. The man was unconscious and writhing in agony from poison self-administered.” “Officer Stokely called the patrol and had him removed …