“A 16 year-old boy was killed Saturday afternoon when a pistol apparently was discharged accidentally and his companion is being held by city police for investigation.” “Pearl Collins, 16, of 3040 Gallia street, died in Portsmouth General hospital at 2:10 PM about 40 minutes after he was shot in the Continue Reading
Grass Widow Uses Gun to Assault Party of Wood Choppers
“War has broken out anew on Twin Creek and more blood is likely to be spilled owing to bad feeling resulting from the recent Cooper-Lewis tragedy.” “That blood was not shed Saturday was not the fault of Amanda Darrak, a buxom grass widow, who armed with a shotgun tried to Continue Reading
The Bludgeon and the Bullet
“Last Tuesday morning about 11 o’clock, a part of young men were sky-larking on a boat at the foot of Madison street, and from friendly intercourse proceeded to harsh words, and afterwards adjourned to the shore and indulged in some vigorous shoulder-hitting. The principals seemed to be a young man Continue Reading
Moses Givens Near Death After Patricide
“Moses Givens, who was shot by John J. Key, on Saturday last, is an old man more than seventy years of age, and a most excellent citizen and christian. He is a native of Lewis county, where his family rank among the most worthy and respectable of its citizens. We Continue Reading
Gun Wound Fatal for Girl at Stout
“Virginia Frost, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Frost of Stout, Adams county, died in Mercy hospital at 5:30 AM today of a shotgun wound in the left chest. The small shot, according to Coroner Virgil Fowler, were self-inflicted, and caused lung hemorrhages. The shot missed the heart.” “According Continue Reading
Shocking Murder In West End; John Morris Shot Down By Woman
“John William Richard Morris, aged 43, proprietor of the Star barber shop, was shot and almost instantly killed in his place of business in the Massie Block, on Market street, by Mrs. Nettie Collison Baker Shumate, aged 41, a comely grass widow, at 7:55 Wednesday evening.” “The murder came as Continue Reading
John Crabtree Shoots to Kill
“John Crabtree had his hearing before the Mayor yesterday and was bound over to court in the sum of $500 for shooting with intent to kill. The fracas occurred on the night of the 24th of last December at Pioneer Switch, and the complaining witness was William Jackson.”(1881, September 17). Continue Reading
Shooting Affray in Dugan’s Woods
“On Tuesday afternoon last, a difficulty took place out the pike, which resulted in a negro named Newman Redman, being shot in the breast. The negroes were celebrating the 1st of August at Dugan’s woods, about 2 miles from the city. Teams had been hired at Maklem‘s livery stable, and Continue Reading
The Shooting Death of Young Charles Neely
“Investigation of the accidental shooting to death early thursday afternoon of Charles Nealy, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nealy of Long Run by his older brother Eddie, nine years old, disclosed the fact that the mother had taken the shotgun and gone hunting and on the Continue Reading
Dice Game in Camp Brings Death to One
“One CCC enrollee is dead and two are hospital patients, the result of altercations in camp and in the city Saturday night and Sunday. Four others, critically hurt in a truck mishap Friday at Camp Shawnee No. 2 are hospital patients.” “A dice game at Camp Roosevelt, Turkey Creek, Saturday Continue Reading