River Searched for Man’s Body at Vera Junction

“Harry Johnson of Nauvoo appealed to county officers today to search for his father, Frank Johnson, 69, of West Side, who has been missing since March 19.” “William Spriggs of Dry Run told county officers that he saw Mr. Johnson walking toward the Scioto river bridge.” “Apprehension that their father, Continue Reading

Scioto County Commissioner Falls to Their Death

“Henry B. Ruel, 66, of 731 Fourth street, president of the board of Scioto county commissioners, was fatally hurt Monday afternoon when he fell 20 feet from a ladder in a barn on his Raven Rock farm. Mr. Ruel fell about 4 PM and died in Portsmouth General hospital at Continue Reading

Charles Barnhart Found in Scioto River

“A body recovered from Scioto river Thursday noon was identified as that of Charles E. Barnhart, 67, Chillicothe, retired farmer, who disappeared April 16.” “Identification was made by a son, John Barnhart, Chillicothe, who viewed the body in Melcher funeral home, Thursday night.” “Barnhart identified the body by scars, clothing, Continue Reading

The Death of Esther Kinker on the Scioto River

“City fireman dragged the Scioto river in search of the body of Miss Esther Kinker, 19, of 1915 Summit street, WPA office worker, who disappeared early Tuesday morning.” “Leaning that Miss Kinker’s coat had been found on the Scioto river bridge, Sheriff Earl C. Brandel requested Fire Chief Robert R. Continue Reading

Julia Beath of the Ross County Infirmary Drowns

“Miss Beath, of Ross county, escaped from the infirmary one day last week and committed suicide by drowning while insane.” “The body of an insane girl named Julia Beath, missing from the County Infirmary since March 15th, was found floating in the river yesterday.”

Henry Seibert Found Face Down

“Henry Seibert, a farmer, who lives near Union Mills, was missed the latter part of last week. He was last seen at the opera house Wednesday. On the Monday following a man named Anderson was hunting in the Scioto bottoms west of Kaps’ brick yard. Approaching what he tool to Continue Reading

A Letter to the Editor from a West Side Karen

“Is it not the duty of the township trustees of Washington township, to remove a number of those family boats as they are termed, lying at the far end of the suspension bridge, both in the Scioto river and canal, which a number of lewd characters inhabit? It is quite Continue Reading

Will Build Crib on Popcorn Point

“The Board of Control at it regular weekly meeting Tuesday morning decided to unite with the county commissioners in giving protection to the extreme west end of the city familiarly called the Point.” “The city will bear half of the cost of building a crib and pile driving which will Continue Reading

Robert Arthur Van Nostrand Drowns

“Slipping down the side of the riverbank and back of the Stockham of Ice Company plant at 11th and Chillicothe streets about 10 AM Saturday Robert Arthur Van Nostrand, 13-year-old son of Mrs. Virginia Van Nostrand of 817 11th street, fell into the chilly waters and was drowned. Carl Spurck, Continue Reading