Scioto County Commissioner Falls to Their Death

“Henry B. Ruel, 66, of 731 Fourth street, president of the board of Scioto county commissioners, was fatally hurt Monday afternoon when he fell 20 feet from a ladder in a barn on his Raven Rock farm. Mr. Ruel fell about 4 PM and died in Portsmouth General hospital at Continue Reading

Death of Mrs. C.C. Hyatt

“Elizabeth Taylor Hyatt, wife of CC Hyatt, died Sunday evening at ten minute before six o’clock, after a lingering illness, aged 79 years, 5 months and 12 days. She was a patient sufferer, looking forward to a better life with a Christian hope. She born in Maryland, near Baltimore, May Continue Reading

The Obituary of Mrs. Dora B. McAllister

“Mrs. Dora B. McAllister, 1530 Robinson avenue, died at 8 AM today at her home following an illness since last August. She had been bedfast a week and her death was attributed to complications.” “She was born in Greenup county, a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Clutts Hornbuckle. She came Continue Reading

The Death of CC Hyatt

“Thomas T. Yeager received a telegram Wednesday from Mrs. McClure, at Hemet, California, conveying the sad news of the death of her venerable father, CC Hyatt, who passed away Sunday and was buried yesterday.” “Mr. Hyatt went west in November, 1898, with his daughter, settling in Little Rock, Arkansas, and Continue Reading

John K. Duke: Preferred Death to the Pen

“John K. Duke, who was convicted last week at Portsmouth of embezzling the funds of two of the Building & Loan Associations of that city, thwarted the aims of justice by shooting himself through the head with a revolver, a few minutes before he was to have been sentenced to Continue Reading

Schoolmates as Pallbearers

“The funeral of Master George Russ, who died after a week’s illness with pneumonia, took place from St. Mary’s church, Wednesday morning. Six of the boy’s school classmates acted as pallbearers. They were Ralph Brennan, Walter Welty, Frank Bruch, Stan Switalski, Ed and Cornelius Schaefer.”

Portsmouth to Condem Land to Expand Greenlawn Cemetery

“From a reliable source it is learned that application will be made to the city council, Wednesday evening, to condemn the land necessary for the proposed extension of Greenlawn Cemetery.” “Members of the board of public service when questioned about the matter thought that the time had not yet quite Continue Reading

Grass Widow Uses Gun to Assault Party of Wood Choppers

“War has broken out anew on Twin Creek and more blood is likely to be spilled owing to bad feeling resulting from the recent Cooper-Lewis tragedy.” “That blood was not shed Saturday was not the fault of Amanda Darrak, a buxom grass widow, who armed with a shotgun tried to Continue Reading

Amos George Dies at the Gallipolis Hospital for Epileptics

“Amos George, a Scioto county patient at the Gallipolis Hospital for Epileptics, died at that Institution Wednesday night. Efforts of Justice Sikes to find any of his local relatives failed Wednesday and his body will be buried at Gallipolis.” “The records show that George was committed to the hospital from Continue Reading

The Sudden Death of CS Kelley

“CS Kelley, the Ninth street grocer, died rather suddenly at his residence in the Sixth Ward, last Saturday morning, in his 50th year. While attending the US Courts of Cincinnati as a witness two weeks ago, he became quite ill, but did not take his bed until the day preceding Continue Reading