Infirmary Grave #22: Susan Browning

The original grave marker, No. 22, and the supplementary marker for Susan Browning, before the original marker was raised and repaired and the supplementary marker set. A line was anchored the length of the row to keep the markers in alignment. The last entry for Susan Browning in the Scioto Continue Reading

Restoration Efforts Approved by Scioto County Commissioners

During the regular scheduled January 27, 2022, meeting of the Scioto County Commissioners communication was received from Wandering Appalachia to the Scioto County Commissioners requesting that permission be granted to begin restoration efforts at the Scioto County Infirmary Cemetery in West Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio, with the intended goal being Continue Reading

Mrs. Elizabeth Henrietta Shy Dies at the Infirmary

“Mrs. Elizabeth Henrietta Shy of the Scioto County Home died at 2 PM Saturday at Portsmouth General Hospital. The body was taken to the Lynn Funeral Home.” Elizabeth Henrietta Shy was born January 14, 1892, in Pike County, Ohio, to William Henry Shy and Nancy Helen Johnson.

Mystery Veils Pair’s Death.

“Portsmouth and Huntington police and health officials pooled their efforts today in investigations in the sudden deaths of Mrs. Opal Dale Johnston, 32, here in city jail Saturday noon and the husband, Cecil Johnston, 55, in a Huntington hospital at 11:45 PM Saturday.” “Mr. Johnston was found unconscious on a Continue Reading

Charles Crandall Buried at the Infirmary Cemetery

“Charles Crandall, 76, resident of the county home, died at 3:30 AM Monday at Mercy hospital. Death was attributed to complications. He had resided at the infirmary since November 9, 1936.” “He has no relatives. Services were to be held at 4 PM today at Emrick’s with Reverend Charles Reinhard Continue Reading

Sam Duane

“Sam Duane, 75, who had made his home at the county infirmary since 1922, died at 8:10 PM Thursday at Mercy hospital, where he was admitted Thursday noon. Death was attributed to complications and infirmities.” “Mr. Duane was admitted to the county home with his mother, Mrs. Anna Ward, in Continue Reading

Silas Cartwright Dies at the County Infirmary

“Infirmities caused the death of Silas Cartwright, aged 71 years, at the County Infirmary Thursday. He had been at the Infirmary since October 1915. An effort was made to locate a son of Mr. Cartwright in the West, but as no word was received from him the funeral and burial Continue Reading

The Death of Crawford W. Shaw

“Influenza claimed a victim at the county infirmary yesterday, when Crawford W Shaw, aged 67 years, died at the institution after a brief illness from the malady. Shaw was a barber and was quite well known in this city, having conducted a shop near Eleventh and Chillicothe streets for many Continue Reading

The Tragic Deaths of Lula and Sarah McCandless

“Shock and worry over the death of a grandchild are believed to have hastened the end of Mrs. Sarah Belle McCandless, aged 72, Wednesday evening.” “Mrs. McCandless collapsed after being brought to town from the infirmary to see her granddaughter Louise, before she passed away from measles last Saturday. A Continue Reading

Infirmary Requests Proposals for the Infirmary Cemetery

“Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Superintendent of the County Infirmary for furnishing coffins and burying the dead at the Scioto County Infirmary cemetery, said bids to contain a description of coffins proposed and price of each. Contract to be awarded Continue Reading