“Judge Sikes on Thursday received a telegram announcing the death of Mark K. Wolfard, a Scioto county patient at the Athens hospital. He was committed in March, 1906, and has rapidly declined.” “Before his affliction, Mr. Wolfard was a prominent school teacher of the west end of the county. His Continue Reading
Rarden is Guarded Against Diphtheria
“Citizens of Rarden have established a guard around the village to prevent residents of Hoffer Hill entering the village and subjecting its citizens to diphtheria. The malady has Hoffer Hill in its tightest grasp and there is hardly a family in the settlement which is not suffering with the ailment. Continue Reading
The Hoffer Murders
“Sylvanus Daulton, former marshal of Rarden, who figured in numerous controversies, faces a kidnapping charge, filed today in Portsmouth Municipal Court.” “Paul Williams, investigator for the office of Everett Burton, Scioto County prosecutor, said Daulton was charged with kidnapping Mrs. Florence Hoffer, 51, of Rarden.” “He said the warrant was Continue Reading
Oscar Snook Killed by N&W Train
“Oscar Snook of Rarden, son of William Snook, employed on the Nave Brothers’ contract in West Virginia was hit by an N&W train and killed Wednesday. The remains will be interred at Rarden.”
Mary Dalton Dies at Girls Industrial Home
“A message received Monday by Judge Gilliland advised him of the death yesterday at the Girls’ Industrial Home at Delaware of Mary E Dalton, Hoffer Hill girl, who was 14 years old when committed to the institution three years ago from the local Juvenile court.” “The girl’s mother, Pearl Dalton Continue Reading
Youngster Adopted Then Abandoned
“Taken out of a good charitable home in Cincinnati and then abandoned by his foster parents, a ten-year-old youth of unknown identity, has for the past week been in care of the Ettel family of Rarden. Humane Officer Ball is investigating the identity of the lad. The little fellow is Continue Reading
Mount Joy United Presbyterian Cemetery Veteran Burials
Rarden Postcards 1908-1910
A compilation of postcards dating from between 1908 and 1910 that were received as a donation from the Highland County Historical Society.
Minerva Dakin Taken to Widows’ Home
“Infirmary Director James McJunkin took Mrs. Minerva Dakin, a former Rarden citizen who has been in the local infirmary for some months, to the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Widows’ Home at Madison, Lake County, on Saturday.”
Six Cooper Children for Children’s Home
“Infirmary Director James McJunkin arrived from Rarden on a noon train Thursday with six young children named Cooper who were admitted to the children’s home. The mother of the youngsters died recently and the father, a poor laborer, was no longer able to provide proper care. There were three boys Continue Reading