“Orville Abbott, 29, for the last 2 1/2 years constable of Nile township, died in Mercy hospital at 1:45 AM Sunday, following an extended illness with heart trouble. He was born and reared in Adams county, but had been a resident of Friendship for the last seven years. He was Continue Reading
Portsmouth Sunday Times
The Tragedy of Earl Holloway and James Sparks
“Failing to find the bodies of Earl Holloway, 23, and James Sparks, 21, of Carey’s Run, who relatives believe drowned in backwaters of the Ohio river, Friday, city firemen abandoned the search Saturday night. Relatives of the men said they will resume the search Sunday morning.” “Fire Chief Robert Leedom Continue Reading
Trap in Cow Barn Reveals Moonshine
“Raiding at 515 Seventh street, Saturday afternoon, police led by Chief Harry S Sheets, learned that all cow barns do not contain cows only.” “Noticing some loose boards on the floor, Sheets investigated and found seven pints of liquor in a trap. A woman giving the name of Maggie Cutlip Continue Reading
Thomas Wheeler
“The body of Thomas Wheeler, 83, who died at the county home Saturday morning is at the Melcher funeral home on Offnere street and will remain there pending the arrival of relatives from out of the city. Burial will be probably Monday in Pine creek cemetery.”