“Plunging 100 feet into the Ohio River, when he stumbled and fell while walking across the C&O railroad bridge at Sciotoville, Dewey Wilson, 32, of Sedgwick, west of Ironton, drowned at 4:40 PM Monday. City firemen dragged the river all night but failed to recover the body.” “Wilson’s wife, Mrs. Continue Reading
Portsmouth Fire Department
Floyd Barlow Trampled by Vicious Horse
“Floyd Barlow came near being trampled to death by one of the horses of the Seventh street fire department Sunday morning. He is a son of Josiah Barlow, the driver of the hook and ladder wagon.” “Floyd went to the engine house to assist his father with his work and Continue Reading
Thomas W. Carre Falls Dead
“What is there in modern civilization to cause the awful increase of sudden deaths? Is it the penalty inflicted upon mankind for seeking to become possessed of knowledge beyond the limit of Divine intent, and pushing of the life powers beyond what they were intended to perform? Has the race Continue Reading
Rites For Lake Victim Friday
“Funeral services for Carl Stewart, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart, 224 Lakeside, New Boston, who was drowned in Millbrook Lake Monday afternoon, will be held in the Otway Union Christian Church at 10 AM Friday with Reverend Smith of Huntington, officiating. Interment will follow in Hoffer Hill Continue Reading
Body Found After Truck Goes in River
“City firemen recovered the body of a steelworker today nine hours after he was drowned in the Ohio River.” “The victim was identified as Leo Miller, 31, of Tygart road, employee of the Portsmouth Steel Corp. open hearth department.” “Garfield Boggs of Maloneton, night watchman on the ‘Mr. Hanes’ ferryboat, Continue Reading
The Tragic Death of George Ellis
“During the excitement last Sunday morning when the alarms bells were ringing out their fire signals, George Ellis, son of Mr. LD Ellis, living on Gallia street, jumped up in his class, at the Sixth Street ME Church Sunday School, and ran out and joined the crowd that surged along Continue Reading
William Henry Simpson Killed at Anderson’s Buckeye Flour Mill Fire
William Henry Simpson was a carpenter, 49 years old, the son of James Simpson, and brother of Mrs. Sheriff Yeager. He was born and raised in Portsmouth, and will be remembered by many as the ‘Hen Simpson’ of their schoolboy days. He was a member of Active Fire Company No. Continue Reading
Portsmouth’s Ingenious Fire Alarm System
“I. Richman, the efficient chairman of the Fire Department, has the boys and horses out for a drill three times per day. Under his management a complete system has been established. Engineer White completed an improvement this week to the automatic electrical mechanism for the telephonic fire alarm, which will Continue Reading
Hero Publisher: George M. Taylor
“In a brave and heroic attempt to save the life of his only daughter, Betty, eleven years of age, George M. Taylor, publisher of the Portsmouth Morning Sun, lost his life in the treacherous Scioto river, Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, sinking beneath the water after he had completely exhausted Continue Reading