Dad Brown, once a firefighter, was recently arrested along with Mandy Martin at her home in “Paradise Alley.” Previously incarcerated for “various infidelities,” he now faces another likely term in the Cincinnati workhouse. Both were seized in bed and detained by the police.
The Sad Tragic Endings: Alexander’s Final Act and the Heartbreak of His Family
“During the summer months, Alexander has been sleeping in the stable in the tear of his home. His wife chose the comforts of the environments of the bedroom in the dwelling. Arising from his bed at an unusually early hour, Alexander walked into the house. Without arousing his wife, Rachel Alexander, took his rifle from …
From Divorce to Death: The Unraveling of Walter Brown in 1926
Brown Agrees To Pay “By agreement Walter Brown will pay his wife, Daisy Brown, of Eleventh street, the sum of $10 a week, according to an approved entry filed in the office of the clerk of court. Wednesday, pending the final hearing on her petition for divorce and alimony.” “Judge Thomas also allowed a temporary …
WPA Graves Registration Project: 182 Places for Burial Listed
“To date 182 burial grounds have been located in Scioto county through the WPA project sponsored by adjutant general of Ohio with the American Legion as co-sponsor.” “The project is designed to locate and mark permanently graves of all United States war veterans. There will be a card record showing, name, address, serial number, next …
The Twin Creek War and News from Buena Vista
“No battle as yet between the Roman Regulators and the Twin Creek tribe . The latter ‘hold the fort,’ which is built like the old-fashioned blockhouse in which the pioneers fought against the Indians. It is situated close to the head of Twin Creek, well supplied with guns and ammunition. A guard is stationed each …
“After more than a year’s illness of complications death at 11:20 o’clock last night claimed Mrs. George Nagel, the final summons coming at her home, 1217 Grandview avenue.” “Mrs. Clara Nagel was born at South Webster, this county, 38 years ago. Her maiden names was Clara Wesley. She was married 18 years ago to George …
New Cemetery Committee Views Sites for Proposed New Cemetery
“At the Thursday afternoon meeting of the New cemetery Committee of the Chamber of Commerce the members suggested sites and later viewed several of them. The selection of a new cemetery site is a big problem. The location has to be right, soil right, and large enough for a growing city such as the Peerless …
Think Suicide is Wash Baker
“The finding of the badly decomposed body of a man, apparently 70 or 75 years of age, hanging from the limb of a tree in the woods four miles from Stewartsville, Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, leads to the theory that the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Wash Baker, the aged Rosemount citizen, has been …
Plans for YWCA are Being Pushed
“The large parlor of the Pearl Selby home was crowded Friday morning with women interested in work for young women in the city.” Miss Maclaren sang “All the World is Dying for a Little Bit of Love” and no one seemed to even to try to restrain the tears as Miss Miller illustrated the theme …
Drowned Herself in the Ohio River
“Mrs. William Pitts, of East Eighth street, though a message received Thursday morning, learned that her niece, Miss Louella White, aged 26, had committed suicide Wednesday by throwing herself in the Ohio river.” “The scene of the tragic affair was at Kanaugua, a small town four miles east of Gallipolis. Eluding the vigilance of relatives, …