15 Year Old Gives Life In Rescue Try

Witnesses Report Pair Released Holds On Motorboat “Two East End boys were drowned Sunday in the Ohio River at the old ferry landing near the foot of River Ave.” The victims were Cecil McGlone, 15, of 2039 Fifth st, and Wade James, 11, of 309 Campbell Ave.” “Horrified witnesses said Continue Reading

Richard Doyle, D-Day Veteran, Killed As Plane Burns, Falls Into River

Body, Recovered Today, Reveals Fire Swept To Cockpit “Richard T. Doyle, 34, son of the late Billy Doyle, famous major league baseball scout, lost his life about 6 p.m. Wednesday when the plane he was piloting caught fire and plunged into the Ohio River.” “An unidentified witness reported he saw Continue Reading

Demolition of the Portsmouth Post Office

A donated photograph of the demolition of the Portsmouth Post Office at the intersection of Gallia and Chillicothe Streets.

The First Home in Portsmouth, Ohio

Above is the donated 1906 image of the Massie Home on Front and Massie Streets, and is purported to be the first home in Portsmouth, Ohio.