Otway Council Cuts Down Tree Commemorating World War I Dead

“Final hearing on an injunction protecting several Otway trees from the ax was in progress today in Common Pleas Court.” “Judge James E. Kinnison of Jackson County resumed hearing of testimony Monday on the injunction granted last May 4 to 10 village landowners.” “The plaintiffs want the injunction made permanent. Continue Reading

Three Year Old Child Falls Into a Tub of Boiling Water

“A horrible accident occurred at Otway Tuesday morning, that may result fatally. Little Hattie McEntyre, the three-year-old daughter of Joseph McEntyre, while playing near where her mother was washing, accidentally fell into a tub of boiling water, resulting in her being scalded almost to death. The flesh on the little Continue Reading

The Sudden Death of Edmund Walsh

“Edmond Walsh, an old and highly respectable citizen of Brush Creek township, residing on Bloody Run, died suddenly, at the residence of John Spellacy, on the Calvert farm, in Washington township, last Thursday evening. Mr. Walsh and his son had been to the city with a wagon load of pork, Continue Reading

William Thompson Finds Wife Dead in Bed

“The wife of William Thompson, a stone cutter, who lives at Otway, was found dead in her bed Tuesday morning. Enfolded in the icy clasp of the mother’s arms was their youngest child aged five months. It was peacefully sleeping in its innocence unmindful of the fact that death had Continue Reading

August B Barlow’s Stone House

“The contracts have all been let for the building of Gus. B. Barlow’s new rough stone residence at the south-east corner of Third and Waller streets, and work will be commenced in a few days. The foundation has been load some time. The structure will be of Scioto county freestone, Continue Reading

Fergus Gagen Fell to Sleep on Train Track

“The mangled remains of Fergus Gagen, the former Scioto countian, who was run down by a N&W train at Nolan, West Virginia, arrived here Wednesday night, and were removed to Lynn’s undertaking establishment.” “The body lay on a cot, and was in charge of the dead man’s brother, WW Gagen, Continue Reading

Delhotals Seeks Divorce for Injury

“Dora A. Delhotal vs August J.B. Delhotal. Petition for divorce and alimony. Petition alleges defendant not only beat, choked and kicked the plaintiff, but that on one occasion he shot her, inflicting a lasting injury upon her. From the schedule of property appended to the petition, it would seem that Continue Reading

1948: Accident on Divide Hill Results in Triple Funeral

“Three young men killed, including two brothers, and five persons injured was the traffic toll in the Portsmouth area for the weekend.” “Killed in a one-car accident on Route 73 near McDermott road intersection early Sunday were: Harry Edward Kidder, 27 of Otway Route 2. Herman Kidder, 18, brother of Continue Reading

Otway Historical Society Snook Collection Project Completed

On March 15th we undertook a project at the request of the Otway Historical Society to preserve a collection of documents relating to Otway and the Snook family. This collection of records centers largely on events surrounding one family member and is an ongoing project to organize the records into Continue Reading