“Three persons, including a mother and daughter, were drowned and three others had a remarkable escape from a similar fate, when a motorboat capsized in the Ohio river one mile east of Sandy Springs about 8:15 PM Monday. The bodies were recovered.” “The dead were: Mrs. Russell Kennedy, 57, her Continue Reading
Smallpox Nurse Expelled from Portsmouth
“Alice Wymer, a smallpox nurse from Ironton, ame down to the city this week, but as soon as her presence in town was known, she was sent back there by order of the Board of Health.”
River Searched for Man’s Body at Vera Junction
“Harry Johnson of Nauvoo appealed to county officers today to search for his father, Frank Johnson, 69, of West Side, who has been missing since March 19.” “William Spriggs of Dry Run told county officers that he saw Mr. Johnson walking toward the Scioto river bridge.” “Apprehension that their father, Continue Reading
The Obituary of Constable Orville Abbott
“Orville Abbott, 29, for the last 2 1/2 years constable of Nile township, died in Mercy hospital at 1:45 AM Sunday, following an extended illness with heart trouble. He was born and reared in Adams county, but had been a resident of Friendship for the last seven years. He was Continue Reading
Youth Killed While Visiting Friend’s Home
“A 16 year-old boy was killed Saturday afternoon when a pistol apparently was discharged accidentally and his companion is being held by city police for investigation.” “Pearl Collins, 16, of 3040 Gallia street, died in Portsmouth General hospital at 2:10 PM about 40 minutes after he was shot in the Continue Reading
August 1872 Ohio River News at Portsmouth, Ohio
“River News.- The river raised since our last issue enough to float the Telegraph, but at this time is falling rapidly.” “The Mountain Belle has entered the Portsmouth and Guyandotte trade, under the command of the veteran boatman, Captain Jack McAllister, James Patterson is in the office.” “The Andes has Continue Reading
Portsmouth Prostitution in 1876
“Last Saturday night the police made a decent upon a house of doubtful repute, kept by Mollie Wright, on Washington street between Tenth and Eleventh streets. Two dusky sons of Africa were found, and some frail one, all of whom were arraigned in the Police Court. Mollie paid her fine, Continue Reading
Anarchist Explodes Bomb at Second Presbyterian Church
“The red-handed anarchistic dynamiter who has been working his own free will in his attempts to destroy property, got in his most destructive piece of work thus far last Saturday night. A keg of powder and a few sticks of dynamite were recklessly exploded in the portal of the Second Continue Reading
Detective Will Lloyd Who Will be Buried and Resurrected
RJ Coach, a general manager of the Phoenix Detective agency, Cincinnati, is negotiating with Samuel Timmonds, superintendent of the Portsmouth Street Railway company, for an exhibition at Athletic park of his clever expose on the trick of hypnotists, whereby subjects are buried and then resurrected several days afterward. The expose Continue Reading
Mr. James Patterson with Paralysis
“The many friends in this city of Mr. James Patterson will regret to learn that he is seriously sick. For some time past he has been afflicted with a species of paralysis and has been gradually losing the use of his limbs. A few days ago it was decided by Continue Reading