Singular and Fatal Accident of Little Charlie Pease

“A sad accident occurred on last Friday morning, the 19th inst., at the coal landing on Munn’s Run. Thomas Pease, a well-known farmer of that neighborhood, had gone on that morning to the landing for a load of coal, and took with him his little seven-year-old son, Charlie. He had Continue Reading

The Accidental Death of Ruth E. McGraw

“Ruth McGraw, 15, daughter of Mrs. Stella McGraw, 4233 Spruce street, New Boston, died in Portsmouth General hospital at 12:15 PM today of a bullet wound suffered Tuesday about 6 PM.” “The girl was alone in an upstairs room when wounded. She told her mother the fun was discharged accidently Continue Reading

New Boston, Ohio Daughters of the American Revolution

This undated group photograph taken by Homer. W Adkins, manager of Hoke’s Studio located at 1200 Lakeview Avenue in New Boston, Ohio, states on the reverse side that it is a group photograph of New Boston’s Daughters of the American Revolution. The hints as to who these people are: “Row Continue Reading

A Mid-Century Photograph from New Boston’s American Restaurant

The other day I purchased this 8×10″ black and white photograph from a local antique store, mostly because it had some names on the back and because the restaurant, the American Restaurant, is a place I had been too myself. This mid-century photograph was taken by Hoke’s Studio, Homer W. Continue Reading

Rites For Lake Victim Friday

“Funeral services for Carl Stewart, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart, 224 Lakeside, New Boston, who was drowned in Millbrook Lake Monday afternoon, will be held in the Otway Union Christian Church at 10 AM Friday with Reverend Smith of Huntington, officiating. Interment will follow in Hoffer Hill Continue Reading

Herbert Gray Arrested on Non-Support Charge

“Herbert Gray was unexpectedly arrested by Humane Officer Harry Ball at New Boston Wednesday afternoon and lodged in jail. Gray is the husband of Elizabeth Gray, the young woman who, one night last week, attempted to abandon her three-year-old son, only to be apprehended by the police. They have been Continue Reading

Hilda Dockery’s Two Graves

“Death at 4:30 PM Thursday following a short illness of diphtheria, claimed Hilda Juanita Dockery, three and a half years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WA Dockery of Lakeview avenue and Oak street, New Boston. The child was stricken with a coughing spell which resulted in her death. A Continue Reading

Dreamland: 3,500 Jam Pool for Formal ’39 Opening

‘Public School Day’ Observed By Kids At Dreamland “An estimated 3,500 Portsmouth school children helped Dreamland swimming pool formally open the 1939 season Saturday when the annual ‘Public School day’ was observed.” “Next Saturday has been designated as ‘YMCA day’ and an aquatic show is being arranged.” “On June 9 Continue Reading

An Old Family Graveyard

Talk of Removing the Hitchock Burial Ground “Some steps are being taken to remove the remains of parties buried in the Hitchcock graveyard, about two miles east of the city, to Greenlawn. This graveyard is now on the Rhodes farm, a large portion of which the new lumber company is Continue Reading