Shocking Murder In West End; John Morris Shot Down By Woman

“John William Richard Morris, aged 43, proprietor of the Star barber shop, was shot and almost instantly killed in his place of business in the Massie Block, on Market street, by Mrs. Nettie Collison Baker Shumate, aged 41, a comely grass widow, at 7:55 Wednesday evening.” “The murder came as Continue Reading

Mr. Blackburn’s Fruit & Vegetable Stand

A photographic contribution by Portsmouth-resident Mary Martha Questel of Mr. Blackburn’s Fruit and Vegetable Stand on the southwest corner of Third and Market Streets in Portsmouth, Ohio.

Exciting Runaway: Two Mules and Two Horses in Flight

“The large Infirmary wagon with two horses and two mules attached, was left standing on Second street without a guardian yesterday noon. None of the animals are under 18 years of age, but they got lonesome and lit out. They dashed out Market, up Fourth, then down Court to Front Continue Reading