“On the 12th inst., Mr. Jehu McDaniel, formerly Justice of the Peace in Union township, was arraigned before Squire Kelly on a charge of attempting to procure an abortion, preferred by a girl named Lucy Koch, daughter of Eli Koch, of Duck Run. It seems the girl had been living Continue Reading
A Virtual Tour of Marsh Cemetery
On August 14, 2024, we visited Marsh Cemetery, a small but historically significant family burial site tucked away along Ohio’s US 23 highway. Although often overlooked, this cemetery has a unique past, having been relocated several times throughout its history. These relocations have led to its current unusual layout, adding Continue Reading
John Rose v. Elizabeth Rose
“Joseph H. Brant, guardian of John Rose, versus Elizabeth Rose. The petition alleges that Rose was married to defendant in Pike county in 1885, at that time being very weak in mind and body; that he is now an imbecile; that on divers occasions the defendant has committed acts of Continue Reading
Children’s Home Temporarily at Fair Grounds
“The hospital has been vacated by the ladies, and the old buildings of the fair grounds repaired for a temporary Children’s Home.”
The Mysterious Murder of John Newman and Louise Doyle
John W. Newman Is Reported Missing “John W. Newman, 26 years old, manager of the damaged shoe department at the Excelsior factory, is strangely missing from his home at 1647 Twelfth street. His relatives notified the police Saturday.” “He went to the shoe plant after supper Friday evening, ostensibly to Continue Reading
Former Lucasville Woman Compels Her Husband to Sign a Temperance Pledge
“A young man named Dixon who formerly lived near Lucasville, in this county, but who has been working in the machine shops at Kenova was the central figure in an animated scene at the latter place Thursday. Dixon who worked about the Brushart planing mill last summer left for Kenova Continue Reading
The Petrification of Rebecca Hibbs
“While removing three bodies from Lucas Cemetery to Greenlawn last week, the sexton found one almost wholly petrified, Mrs. Rebecca Hibbs. Petrification had taken place from the throat to the ankles. The grave from which the body was disinterred had evidently been in the line of a subterraneous water course.
Jordan Boy is Sent to Children’s Home
George Jordan, aged 8, the lad who recently claimed that he accidently shot and killed his mother, Mrs. Permelia Jordan, whose dead body was found at her home, Flat Woods, near Lucasville, a week ago last Tuesday, was sent to the Scioto County Children’s Home Wednesday afternoon. The lad will Continue Reading
Rouse Family Bible
Thomas McDonald: The First Settler of Scioto County
From the December 20, 1873 Portsmouth Times “We witnessed quite a pleasant meeting of three old gentleman that might be termed, very appropriately, too a love feast. Colonel John C McDonald, of Ross County, who is visiting his old friends of this city, is a son of the trapper and Continue Reading