“Alice Wymer, a smallpox nurse from Ironton, ame down to the city this week, but as soon as her presence in town was known, she was sent back there by order of the Board of Health.”
Lawrence County
Wife Watches Husband Fall to His Death
“Plunging 100 feet into the Ohio River, when he stumbled and fell while walking across the C&O railroad bridge at Sciotoville, Dewey Wilson, 32, of Sedgwick, west of Ironton, drowned at 4:40 PM Monday. City firemen dragged the river all night but failed to recover the body.” “Wilson’s wife, Mrs. Continue Reading
Two Immense Stills Found by Officers near Vesuvius
“State Prohibition officers, EC Farmer, Matt Wilson, Charles Hutchison and John Jenkins, raiding in the old Vesuvius section of Lawrence county struck paydirt when they uncovered two stills, one with a 1000 gallons capacity, one with 600, 209 gallons of liquor and 40 barrels of mash. The operators evidently had Continue Reading
The Sudden Death of CS Kelley
“CS Kelley, the Ninth street grocer, died rather suddenly at his residence in the Sixth Ward, last Saturday morning, in his 50th year. While attending the US Courts of Cincinnati as a witness two weeks ago, he became quite ill, but did not take his bed until the day preceding Continue Reading
A Fiend Inoculated for a Diabolical Purpose.
“Theodore Stimel, hailing from Ironton, was found by Dr. Davidson, last Tuesday, lying on the cmmonds, in a high stage of fever, and was removed to the hospital yard, where a small house was erected for his especial occupancy. Later it was ascertained that Stimel had the smallpox, and was Continue Reading
Noah Murphy is Wanted
“Local offices of the Red Cross Society have received a request from authorities at Washington in the search for Noah Murphy, a former discharged soldier.” “Noah Murphy, whose place of residence is unknown, will take notice that on the 1st day of October, 1932, Blanche Murphy by her next friend Continue Reading
Two Youngsters Divorce.
“Thomas E. Burt, an infant, by Thomas J. Burt, his next friend, plaintiff vs. Oly Burt, alias Oly De Berian, an infant over the age of fourteen years. At the time of the filing of this petition the plaintiff was nineteen years old. The parties were married at Ironton, Ohio, Continue Reading
Elmer Ruggles Crushed at Cambria Clay
“Death in terrible form was cruelly meted out to Elmer Ruggles, 48, while he was at work in the plant of the Cambria Clay Products company at Black Fork at 5 o’clock Friday afternoon.” “He fell between two 2400 pound clay rollers he was cleaning and was crushed to death, Continue Reading
Ironton Dedicates New Bridge with Fitting Ceremonies
“Within 27 minutes after the bridge was thrown open after the automobile parade this morning 1492 machines passed over it.” “At 2 o’clock this afternoon it was estimated that 5000 visitors were here for the bridge opening. Lower clouds gave way to sunshine when the speaking program was reached and Continue Reading
A Visit to the Lawrence County, Ohio Museum & Historical Society
“The Lawrence County Museum has certification by the Ohio Association of Historical Societies and Museums. It is operated by the Lawrence County Historical Society, a corporation since 1925. The Historical Society has IRS non-profit status. The building in which the Museum is housed is in the Registry of Historic Homes Continue Reading