“Three persons, including a mother and daughter, were drowned and three others had a remarkable escape from a similar fate, when a motorboat capsized in the Ohio river one mile east of Sandy Springs about 8:15 PM Monday. The bodies were recovered.” “The dead were: Mrs. Russell Kennedy, 57, her Continue Reading
Wife Watches Husband Fall to His Death
“Plunging 100 feet into the Ohio River, when he stumbled and fell while walking across the C&O railroad bridge at Sciotoville, Dewey Wilson, 32, of Sedgwick, west of Ironton, drowned at 4:40 PM Monday. City firemen dragged the river all night but failed to recover the body.” “Wilson’s wife, Mrs. Continue Reading
The Obituary of Mrs. Dora B. McAllister
“Mrs. Dora B. McAllister, 1530 Robinson avenue, died at 8 AM today at her home following an illness since last August. She had been bedfast a week and her death was attributed to complications.” “She was born in Greenup county, a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Clutts Hornbuckle. She came Continue Reading
Revolting Depravity Brough to Light by Divorce Petition
“Riverton, Kentucky, July 17. (Special): There was filed last evening in the Greenup Circuit Court, a suit, the style of which is Elizabeth Messer vs. John Messer, for divorce. In the petition files by her attorney, Jeremiah Davidson, she avers that on the — day of April, 1884, she then Continue Reading
A Hero of 1812 Mustered Out
“Matthew Brown, a gallant soldier of the War of 1812, and a resident of Greenup county, Kentucky, died last Thursday night, in his 87th year. He was one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of the county, and unmarried.”
Greenup Girl Takes Her Life in Cincinnati
“Belle Roberts, a domestic, employed at the Palace Hotel, committed suicide at that hostelry by taking a dose of carbolic acid. Despondency, caused by disappointment in love, is the reason given. The case was a remarkable one, inasmuch as the victim wrote letters in which she jokingly referred to what Continue Reading
“A 29 year old Vanceburg housewife has been charged with second degree murder of a 10 month old baby in what police term a ‘weird’ incident.” “The circumstances- Mrs. Norma Jean Smith had arranged with a friend, Mrs. Helen McKinney, Carrington Street, to help with wallpapering a room at the Continue Reading
Death of Captain John McAllister
“Captain John McAllister, of Springville, Kentucky, and well and favorably known as a steamboat captain, died last Monday morning at 8:40 AM. Captain McAllister had a host of friends on the river and shore, and his loss is one that will be felt by a large circle of friends and Continue Reading
Moses Givens Near Death After Patricide
“Moses Givens, who was shot by John J. Key, on Saturday last, is an old man more than seventy years of age, and a most excellent citizen and christian. He is a native of Lewis county, where his family rank among the most worthy and respectable of its citizens. We Continue Reading
Blood for Blood: Lynch Law in Lewis County
“Our reporter learned the particulars from a passenger on the Carrie, last Wednesday, of twin tragedies that occured in Lewis county, Kentucky, last Monday and Tuesday, in which a life for a life was given. Washington Lee, the chief actor in the drama, was a white man living near Tollesboro, Continue Reading