Felix Pumberger

“Felix Pumberger, 73, former employee of the old Portsmouth Brewing & Ice Company, died at 7:15 AM today at the county infirmary, where he had been a resident since November 10, 1938. Death was attributed to complications.” “Mr. Pumberger was a native of Austria, but had lived many years in Continue Reading

Thomas Johnson

“Funeral services for Thomas Johnson, 71, who died Friday at the county infirmary, where he had been living since 1932, were conducted today at 10 AM. Burial was in the infirmary cemetery.”

Sam H. Cox

“Death at 7:20 AM Sunday at the county home, claimed Samuel H. Cox, 73, for many years employed by the Lewis Furniture Company. He died of a heart attack, but had not been in the best of health for some time. He was a native of Pennsylvania, but had lived Continue Reading

Double Funeral

“Two deaths have occurred at the county infirmary, on the West Side, within the past twenty-four hours, and a double funeral was held this afternoon.” “Thomas Burns, 73, who had made his home in the county infirmary since 1910, died there at 1:30 AM Sunday, his death being due to Continue Reading

John Madden

“After many months of suffering with paralysis, John Madden, 52, passed away at the County Home about ten o’clock Tuesday night. Madden had been bedfast several months and was removed to the infirmary in May, 1928.” ” He is survived by his wife, Nora Madden and one child at 911 Continue Reading

George Goings: Dies at County Home

“George Goings, 51, colored, died at the County Home on Buena Vista pike, Thursday evening, after a long illness. Goings entered the County Home thirteen years ago and due to his crippled condition had not been able to work on the farm. He leaves no close relatives. Burial was in Continue Reading

John Hossman and William Penn

“John Hossman, 51, colored, native of Georgia, died at the county infirmary shortly after six o’clock Friday evening. His death was caused by dropsy and heart disease. He had been an inmate of the institution since last November. The remains were buried in the infirmary cemetery at four o’clock Saturday Continue Reading

Anna Ward

“Mrs. Anna Ward, one of the oldest residents in Scioto county died at 11:45 PM Thursday in the County Infirmary, West Side. Death was due to senility.” “Mrs. Ward was admitted to that institution January 22, 1924. Her only son, Samuel Duane, is also an inmate at the infirmary.” “Funeral Continue Reading

James Hubbard

“Death Saturday night about 11:30 o’clock claimed James Hubbard, a former well known resident of this city who passed away at the County Home on West Side. He had been ill for a long time with complications but was able to be up and around until a couple of days Continue Reading

Grim Reaper Visits the Infirmary; Claims Two Victims on the Sabbath

“The Grim Reaper, stalking into the Scioto County Infirmary Sunday, decimated the ranks of the inmates there, when two aged citizens were claimed.” “Thomas McCallister, aged 84, who spent most of his life at the infirmary, died Sunday morning at 5 o’clock, death being attributed to infirmities.” “At one o’clock Continue Reading