The Tragic Death of Ray L. Lyon

“Ray L. Lyon, son of Mrs. MC Lyon, the proprietor of the Corning Times and also the Valley House, of that place, shot himself through the heart at 10:30 Tuesday evening, in Frank Hacquard’s gun store on Front street.” “The circumstances, which are somewhat peculiar, are in brief as follows:” Continue Reading

Old Holy Redeemer Razed

“Making way for starting work on the new government post office building at Sixth and Gay streets, Dr. George Martin, owner of the church of the Holy Redeemer abandoned property, consisting of the church building and rectory, has let the contract to remove the buildings to Kendall Hunter, who will Continue Reading

Maggie Barnes Buried at Greenlawn Cemetery

“An infant child of freight conductor Taylor Barnes, of the CW&B Railroad, residing at Hamden, died Tuesday. The remains were brought to this city Wednesday and interred, the funeral services being conducted from the Irish Catholic Church.”