Showing 47 Result(s)

1852: The Hanging at Greenupsburgh

“A large number of our citizens went to Greenupsburgh on Friday, to see Clark, one of the murderers of Brewer and his wife, hung. Those who saw the execution, report that he died very easily, with scarcely a struggle. He made a few remarks to the vast number of spectators, (probably five thousand,) expressed himself …


James Bryson is Dead

“James Bryson, a once prominent citizen of Portsmouth, died a few days ago at Brick Union, Kentucky, opposite Haverhill, aged 71 years.” “Mr. Bryson many years ago erected a flour mill near where the Grand Opera House now stands and afterwards operated a distillery in Kentucky as a member of the firm Brown, Bryson & …

Event Person

Greenup Man Killed by Fall of Slate

“James Murphy, age 57 years, a well-known Greenup county man, was killed by a fall of slate in the mines of the Main Island Creek Coal Company at Barnabus, West Virginia, several days ago. The remains arrived in Ironton and were intrerred in Lawrence cemetery. Reverend Sampson conducted the funeral. This is the third member …


The Short Life of George Royal

“Just so drunk was George Royal that he staggered against Robert Foster, a youth from Carey’s Run, Saturday afternoon and then seized the lad by the throat and began choking him. Officer Harry Dunham happened along and picked up Royal and took him to the city jail.” George Royal’s World War I Draft Registration Card …