An Old Landmark

“Last Tuesday afternoon, the west end of the two-story brick house, occupied for years by Mrs. McCloud as a restaurant and fruit stand until Thursday of last week when she vacated it, fell with a crash, on Front Street. Its west wall had begun to crumble last Saturday night. Fortunately Continue Reading

The Flood of 1884 Ends a Name

“Jeremiah Collins, Jr., only son of the late Jerry Collins, died suddenly last Monday night. He had been exposed by the flood which probably hastened his death. He was in his 19th year. Father, mother, and son have died within two months! The funeral services were held at the church Continue Reading

1979 Flood of Scioto County

Converted Super 8mm footage, by Jacqueline Litteral, of the 1979 flood of Scioto County.

The Flood Chronicle

Ironton, Ohio January 28, 1937 Volume 1 Edition 1

Fodder Was Swept Away

“The county’s entire supply of corn foder at the Infirmary has been carried away by the receding river.” “The loss is said to be the result of inexcusable carelessness for the corn was piled up not over 200 yards distant from the barn and could have been removed to a Continue Reading