“Russell Byrd, aged 16, colored, deliberately leaped to his death in the Scioto river late Monday afternoon.” “Despite the fact that he could not swim he ran down a springing board and plunged into the cooling waters of the river. Frantically he tried to reach the shore, but his strength Continue Reading
James Fynn: Drowned in the Ohio
“A sad accident befell James Fynn, a moulder at the Scioto Stove Foundry, last Sunday, about one o’clock, resulting in his death from drowning. Fynn crossed the river in a skiff with a companion, and after remaining there for some time started back, he concluding to hold on to the Continue Reading
River Still Holds Its Boy Victim
“All efforts to locate the body of Edward Edgell, who met death by drowning in the Ohio river Friday morning, near the Breece plant, in New Boston, had proven useless up until late Saturday afternoon. A searching party worked until late Friday night with drags but failed to locate the Continue Reading
The Sinking of the G.W. McBride
The towboat GW McBride was on its way from Huntington, West Virginia to Addyston, Ohio. Rain had swollen the Ohio River to 29 feet, not flood stage, but the current was swift and swirling especially in the stretch of Ohio River along Northern Kentucky. It was originally named the Conqueror Continue Reading
Fall of the Suspension Bridge
“At a quarter to eleven o’clock last Wednesday morning this city witnessed a horrible catastrophe in the falling of the suspension bridge which spanned the mount of the Scioto River from the terminus of west Second street to the tow-path on the West Side. The crash of the falling structure Continue Reading
Hero Publisher: George M. Taylor
“In a brave and heroic attempt to save the life of his only daughter, Betty, eleven years of age, George M. Taylor, publisher of the Portsmouth Morning Sun, lost his life in the treacherous Scioto river, Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, sinking beneath the water after he had completely exhausted Continue Reading
Victor Coriell Nearly Drowns
Close Call: Did Victor Coriell Have from Death Wednesday Fell in the Ohio at the Wharfboat and was Rescued with Difficulty by His Companions “Victor Coriell, a young man who works for Jacob Pfau at his bakery on West Second street, had a narrow escape from drowning Wesdnesday afternoon.” “Coriell, Continue Reading
The Drowning of Artemisia Eames
On a cold night, rural teacher Artmisia Eames was making her way home.