“Among the passengers who alighted from the B&O SW accommodation last Saturday morning was John Blondon, of East Tenth street. Mr. Blondon ware returning from a month’s visit with Maryland relatives. The circumstances of his visit have been previously published. It will be remembered that Blondon, who was a Marylander, Continue Reading
Court News
Murder Case Set for Trial September 9
“Judge Blair set down the case of Nettie Baker Shumate, indicted for first degree murder, for trial September 9. A jury was ordered drawn and will report at 9 AM, September 9.” “Mrs. Shumate was indicted for the murder of John Morris, the barber. When her case was set for Continue Reading
A Legal Notice in Boneyfiddle
“Sarah L Washington, who resides in Richmond, Missouri; Margaret R. Shelby, who resides in Richmond, Missouri; and Margaret M. Campbell, who resides in Monnett, Missouri, will take notice that on the seventh day of September, 1894, Maria V. Morris files her petition in the Common Pleas Court of Scioto county, Continue Reading
Paternity Case Decided
“It required a jury in Judge Blair’s court just forty minutes Thursday morning, to bring in a verdict of guilty in the paternity case of Lucille Liming against James Piatt. The trial started late Wednesday and was resumed at the opening of court Thursday morning. The complainant went on the Continue Reading
Sallie McCandless, Eleventh Street Madam, Will Go to the Pen
“Sallie McCandless, the notorious Eleventh street madam, whose part in the Kelley-Myers escapade has won her so much notoriety, got her sentence today. Judge Collins overruled the motion for a new trial. Sentence of eighteen months in the penitentiary was passed upon her. The court was inclined to be lenient, Continue Reading
Noah Murphy is Wanted
“Local offices of the Red Cross Society have received a request from authorities at Washington in the search for Noah Murphy, a former discharged soldier.” “Noah Murphy, whose place of residence is unknown, will take notice that on the 1st day of October, 1932, Blanche Murphy by her next friend Continue Reading
Thomas Gaylor to Receive a Handsome Legacy
“A copy of the will of the late Mrs. Angeline Gaylord, the mother of Thomas G. Gaylord, of this city, was filed with the County Clerk of Jefferson County yesterday. It was dated at New York, June 26, 1876, and probated before Judge Isaac B. Matson.” “The instrument states that Continue Reading
Whispers of Madness: Taylor Burns’ Last Year
“Taylor Burns, who has been in jail in default of bond for his appearance in probate court, has displayed some evidence of insanity. The sheriff has written his parents and it is probable that an inquest will be held in lieu of prosecution on a criminal charge. He was arrested Continue Reading
Divorce for Trifling Reasons
“William Price vs. Eliza A. Price. The parties were married in Virginia in 1871, and have six children. The petition alleges willful absence, and that she, on various occasions, did have unlawful intercourse with various persons, both in this county and in Athens, and for these trifling reasons he wants Continue Reading
Whitewash Man is Sent to Jail
“Reuben Hunt, the half-witted chap who whitewashed pennies so that they looked like dimes, pleaded guilty in mayor’s court to obtaining goods under false pretenses, and was given a fine of $10 and costs, and 10 days in jail. Rube may be half-witted, but he is bright enough to rope Continue Reading