Wife Watches Husband Fall to His Death

“Plunging 100 feet into the Ohio River, when he stumbled and fell while walking across the C&O railroad bridge at Sciotoville, Dewey Wilson, 32, of Sedgwick, west of Ironton, drowned at 4:40 PM Monday. City firemen dragged the river all night but failed to recover the body.” “Wilson’s wife, Mrs. Continue Reading

Greenup Girl Takes Her Life in Cincinnati

“Belle Roberts, a domestic, employed at the Palace Hotel, committed suicide at that hostelry by taking a dose of carbolic acid. Despondency, caused by disappointment in love, is the reason given. The case was a remarkable one, inasmuch as the victim wrote letters in which she jokingly referred to what Continue Reading

The Death of Engineer McAllister

“Charles McAllister, well-known C&O ferryboat engineer, died of consumption at his home in South Portsmouth at an early house this morning. Hea leaves a wife, Mrs. Maud McAllister. Miss Miriam McAllister, and Mrs. Stella McGlone, the latter of Vanceburg, Kentucky, were sisters. Charles was a son of James McAllister, also Continue Reading

Ellis Montgomery Killed by Train

“Ellis, son of Sam Montgomery, formerly of the Greenup Lime works vicinity, was run over by a C and O freight train at Ashland last Friday, 31st ult, and instantly killed. He resided with an uncle at Kilgore and was on his way home. He was buried Saturday.

Four Killed by Train at Riverton, Kentucky

“Death sunday afternoon overtook a theater party of five young Kentucky persons enroute from Greenup to Ashland. Four were instantly killed and one probably fatally injured as C&O passenger train No. 3, westbound from New York to Cincinnati, traveling at a high rate of speed struck a Ford Roadster at Continue Reading

C & O Brakeman Falls Dead in Snow by Train

“Raymond F Campbell, 57, of Riverton, Greenup County, was found dead in the snow beside a Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad freight train near Omega Thursday night.” “Mr. Campbell, who was head brakesman on the train, was lying face down in snow on the right of way, where he had fallen Continue Reading

Warder Killed by Lightning

“John H Warder, aged 32, only son of George M Warder, well-known Harrisonville merchant, was instantly killed by lightning at Tolesboro, Kentucky, Wednesday evening.” “Mr. Warder was plowing in a field of his farm which is within sight of the town of Tolesboro, when a storm arose about four o’clock. Continue Reading

Hero’s Body Arrives at Siloam

“The body of Private Taylor Walker, who was killed in France in 1918, arrived in New York March 29th, and was shipped to his old home in Siloam, Kentucky, arriving there Friday. The military funeral will be held from the Siloam church Sunday afternoon at one o’clock. Those wishing to Continue Reading

John Colvin Dies From Picking His Nose

“John Colvin, formerly assistant baggagemaster at the C & O depot at South Portsmouth, died Tuesday afternoon at one o’clock. Death was caused by blood poisoning, complicated with catarrh of the head. He was 23 years of age.” “John Colvin, the young C & O employee, mention of whose sudden Continue Reading

Scioto County Gold Star Mother Ill in France

“Mrs. Williams, Scioto county’s only gold star mother, is ‘gravely’ ill in France according to an Associated Press dispatch Monday morning. Relatives have not received direct word of her illness.” “Paris, Mary 26- The first serious illness among the American gold star mothers visiting France was reported today, officials of Continue Reading