Old Holy Redeemer Razed

“Making way for starting work on the new government post office building at Sixth and Gay streets, Dr. George Martin, owner of the church of the Holy Redeemer abandoned property, consisting of the church building and rectory, has let the contract to remove the buildings to Kendall Hunter, who will Continue Reading

Portsmouth’s First Presbyterian to Observe 119th Anniversary

“Sunday is the 119th anniversary of the founding of First Presbyterian church, Third and Court streets, the day will be celebrated in the church with a special anniversary service Sunday morning at 10:30. The pastor, Reverend John N Lukens, will preach on the subject, ‘The Place of the Church.’” “There Continue Reading

Sciotoville Free Will Baptist Church and Price Cemetery

“The Free Will Baptists are building a handsome church edifice north of the railroad, 32 by 56 feet, with a neat cupola. The only objection we find to the building is, we think it should have fronted towards the river and the railroad. The ‘village church’ is always a pleasing Continue Reading

St. Patrick Church -McCullough Settlement

“An Irish and a French settlement was made in western Scioto county, Ohio,shortly after the middle of the last century. The first to come were Frenchmigrants who settled in the Pond creek area in Rush township in the early 185O’s. That they came to the area may have been an Continue Reading

Nauvoo United Methodist Church

The first Sunday School was held in the Nauvoo School House, corner of Washing Boulevard and Short Street, May, 1922, with a total of 19 present which included 11 children and 8 adults. The was organized by Reverend E.H. Dailey. Superintendent: Mr. Charles Doll; Secretary: Mrs. Leona Tipton; Treasurer: Mrs. Continue Reading

First Sunday School at Nauvoo United Methodist

The First Sunday School was held in the Nauvoo School House, corner of Washington Boulevard and Short Street, May, 1922, with a total of 19 present which included 11 children and 8 adults. The school was organized by Reverend EH Dailey. Superintendent: Mr. Charles Dolls; Secretary: Mrs. Leona Tipton; Treasurer: Continue Reading

Small Religious Booklet Digitized during Meeting Demonstration

Thank you to SCCOGS Historian, Judy Karshner, for participating in this month’s meeting demonstration. The file below entitled “What Southern Baptist Believe and Why” was part of a family genealogical collection relating to the Union Baptist Church in Strickett, Lewis County, Kentucky along the Kinniconick Creek. It was digitized using Continue Reading