Revolting Depravity Brough to Light by Divorce Petition

“Riverton, Kentucky, July 17. (Special): There was filed last evening in the Greenup Circuit Court, a suit, the style of which is Elizabeth Messer vs. John Messer, for divorce. In the petition files by her attorney, Jeremiah Davidson, she avers that on the — day of April, 1884, she then Continue Reading

Infant Dies from Eating Contaminated Beef

“A four-year old daughter of Mr. Silver, son-in-law of Mr. Reynolds who recently bought the WJ Shannon farm at Mt. Joy died from ptomaine poisoning caused from eating canned beef at their home in West Virginia last week just as the family was ready to move to Ohio.” “The remains Continue Reading

Death Claims Twin Babies at Biggs House

“Two six-months’ old babies. Eithel and Ethel Taylor, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor of 345 1/2 Front street, died yesterday at their home following an illness brought on by the extreme heat and improper feeding. Coroner Virgil Fowler, who investigated the death of the children said that Continue Reading

Annie L Becker vs William G Becker

“Annie L Becker vs. William G Becker. This case was heard Tuesday and decree granted. The prayer of the petition was based upon willful absence and extreme cruelty. The defendant is now living in Cincinnati, and the testimony developed the revolting fact that the defendant was in the habit of Continue Reading

Burns Fatal for Lewis County Child

“After having survived weeks of pain as a result of burns on her face and body from the abdomen up, little Margaret Ginn died unexpectedly yesterday at Haywood hospital. Margaret was 2 years old and the second youngest of the four daughters of Frank Ginn and Rose Ginn, who live Continue Reading

Parents In Jail, Child Dies

“While Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osborne are serving sentences in the county jail their youngest child, Jesse Osborne, aged 1 year, died last night at Hempstead Hospital. The child had been taken in the hospital as it was suffering with severe malnutrition. It had been assigned by Probate Judge NB Continue Reading

The Legend of Bloody Run and Jim Peyton

“I promised last week to say something about ‘Bloody Run,’ which cuts its way through the hills north of Otway and if the readers of the Times will indulge me, I will conclude my Otway article, with something pertaining to that, and a few anecdotes which I picked up about Continue Reading

Goldie Shaffer Obituary

“Failure to have her treated for diphtheria resulted in the death of Goldie, four year old daughter of John Shaffer, store keeper and farmer of Friendship, Monday evening.” “The child has been ill since last Tuesday but no physician was called in until Monday evening. Two other children of the Continue Reading

Youngster Adopted Then Abandoned

“Taken out of a good charitable home in Cincinnati and then abandoned by his foster parents, a ten-year-old youth of unknown identity, has for the past week been in care of the Ettel family of Rarden. Humane Officer Ball is investigating the identity of the lad. The little fellow is Continue Reading

Herbert Gray Arrested on Non-Support Charge

“Herbert Gray was unexpectedly arrested by Humane Officer Harry Ball at New Boston Wednesday afternoon and lodged in jail. Gray is the husband of Elizabeth Gray, the young woman who, one night last week, attempted to abandon her three-year-old son, only to be apprehended by the police. They have been Continue Reading