Back in the warmer weather of June 2022 we had the opportunity to visit Seymore Cemetery, in Washington Township, Scioto County, Ohio. I had first seen mention of this cemetery in the WPA created maps of veterans burials held by the Scioto County Recorder’s office. These maps only noted the Continue Reading
Cemetery Walk
A Virtual Tour of Neville Cemetery
Stopping by Martin-Butler Cemetery
After resetting the marble marker we repaired and cleaned for Daniel White at Shumway Cemetery #2, near the Minford Airport in Harrison Township, we called Madison Township Trustee Chris Rase to give him update on our progress. Hearing that he was nearby at Butler-Martin Cemetery, and needing to get some Continue Reading
Virtual Tour: Ball Cemetery in the French Grant
On April 8, 2023, we made our second visit to Ball Cemetery, in Franklin Furnace, Green Township, Scioto County, Ohio. Our initial visit was in March 2020, but circumstances limited our ability to return until this week. This rural area is originally known as the French Grant as it was Continue Reading
A Walking Tour of Thompson-Strate Cemetery
A cemetery tour of Thompson-Strate Cemetery, in Bloom Township, Scioto County, Ohio, near Pine Creek Road and Wayne National Forest. This small family cemetery lies on a broad and ranging ridgeline adjacent to Wayne National Forest and near the Scioto County and Lawrence County border. Research into the area indicates Continue Reading
A Walk Through Brown Cemetery
Buckeye Furnace Cemetery Virtual Tour
Virtual Cemetery Tour: Garland Cemetery
A virtual cemetery tour of the older section of Garland Cemetery in Bentleyville, Lewis County, Kentucky.