“Three persons, including a mother and daughter, were drowned and three others had a remarkable escape from a similar fate, when a motorboat capsized in the Ohio river one mile east of Sandy Springs about 8:15 PM Monday. The bodies were recovered.” “The dead were: Mrs. Russell Kennedy, 57, her Continue Reading
Buena Vista
Grass Widow Uses Gun to Assault Party of Wood Choppers
“War has broken out anew on Twin Creek and more blood is likely to be spilled owing to bad feeling resulting from the recent Cooper-Lewis tragedy.” “That blood was not shed Saturday was not the fault of Amanda Darrak, a buxom grass widow, who armed with a shotgun tried to Continue Reading
The Twin Creek War and News from Buena Vista
“No battle as yet between the Roman Regulators and the Twin Creek tribe . The latter ‘hold the fort,’ which is built like the old-fashioned blockhouse in which the pioneers fought against the Indians. It is situated close to the head of Twin Creek, well supplied with guns and ammunition. Continue Reading
“Memorial Day will be observed at Buena Vista Monday when special services will be held at the Presbyterian church in which the Odd Fellows, Junior Order and people in general will participate.” “John T. Sullivan is chairman of the committee on arrangements. The services will be held in the forenoon Continue Reading
Clay Henry McGraw Dies at Buena Vista
“Clay Henry McGraw, sixteen days old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGraw, of Buena Vista, died Saturday evening at 4:30 after suffering with measles since birth. Besides his mother and father he leaves one sister. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock with burial in the Continue Reading
Nile Township Scandal: Constable Elopes With Another Man’s Wife
“The citizens of Nile township have felt outraged and indignant over a recent scandal, that finally developed into a run-away scrape.” “About thirteen years ago a young man named Benjamin F. Hutsenpiller, married an excellent young lady of that township, a daughter of Mr. John Evans. There was no trouble Continue Reading
Probably Murder in Buena Vista
“Our village was thrown into a furor of excitement last evening by a brutal crime bring committed in out midst. David Davis, a hard-working, inoffensive citizen, and a young man by the name of Allie Moore were going home from their work about dush. Their homes are in the same Continue Reading
A Sad Drowning at Buena Vista
“News reached the city today of a sad drowning which occurred yesterday afternoon near Buena Vista, the victim being Jesse, the little ten year old son of David Metzer, a prominent farmer in that community.” “The accident occurred shortly after noon. The two little sons of Mr. Metzer, Walter aged Continue Reading
Indian Wife Returns to Bill
“The half-breed Indian wife of Bill Guy, a Negro shanty-boatman, and who disappeared from their family boat at the mount of Pond Run, has returned to her former haunts.” “The woman was seen wandering about the willows and brushwood near Pond Creek Saturday and after considerable difficulty was brought to Continue Reading