Showing 18 Result(s)

The Sudden Death of Edmund Walsh

“Edmond Walsh, an old and highly respectable citizen of Brush Creek township, residing on Bloody Run, died suddenly, at the residence of John Spellacy, on the Calvert farm, in Washington township, last Thursday evening. Mr. Walsh and his son had been to the city with a wagon load of pork, having disposed of which he …


William Thompson Finds Wife Dead in Bed

“The wife of William Thompson, a stone cutter, who lives at Otway, was found dead in her bed Tuesday morning. Enfolded in the icy clasp of the mother’s arms was their youngest child aged five months. It was peacefully sleeping in its innocence unmindful of the fact that death had severed its dearest tie during …


Pistols and Knives for Two

“Information has reached us of an unfortunate affray, at the flats of Brush Creek, by parties living in Union township, on Monday last, by which one was stabbed in the face, and another was shot in the leg. Some persons from Lombardsville vicinity had been to town, and on the way home, it is said, …


Delhotals Seeks Divorce for Injury

“Dora A. Delhotal vs August J.B. Delhotal. Petition for divorce and alimony. Petition alleges defendant not only beat, choked and kicked the plaintiff, but that on one occasion he shot her, inflicting a lasting injury upon her. From the schedule of property appended to the petition, it would seem that the defendant was a man …

The Ivers Household in Otway Ohio
Person Place

Otway: Among the Hills

“Nineteen miles over the Ohio and Northwestern, along the banks of the Scioto river and thence along the green waters of the Brush Creek, a stream worthy a more euphonious and romantic name, through some of the most rugged and picturesque country that nature has seen fit to spread out, or rather set on end, …

Image of Bloody Run Creek
Event Person Place

The Legend of Bloody Run and Jim Peyton

“I promised last week to say something about ‘Bloody Run,’ which cuts its way through the hills north of Otway and if the readers of the Times will indulge me, I will conclude my Otway article, with something pertaining to that, and a few anecdotes which I picked up about old Jim Peyton, a whilsom …

Event Place

1910: Tie Game at Oway on Sunday

“The Otway Reds and the Virginia Blues (colored) played a very interesting game on the Henley diamond Sunday. The score in the last half of the tenth inning stood 3 to 3, when the game was called on account of an injury to the colored catcher, Watkins. The Blues, or Blacks as they should be …