“Wheeling, West Virginia, November 3 – Jealousy caused terrible tragedy at Georgetown, Ohio, three miles west of this city. All concerned in the affair were from Wheeling. Scott Linton shot Dot Gray, a woman of the town said to have been his wife, and William Metzger, in whose company she Continue Reading
Brown County
A Visit to the Lawrence County, Ohio Museum & Historical Society
“The Lawrence County Museum has certification by the Ohio Association of Historical Societies and Museums. It is operated by the Lawrence County Historical Society, a corporation since 1925. The Historical Society has IRS non-profit status. The building in which the Museum is housed is in the Registry of Historic Homes Continue Reading
Luther R Jones: Civil War Veteran Killed by Log
“According to a message received from Russelville, Brown county, Luther R Jones, one of the best known citizens of the West Side, was killed there Monday afternoon. From advices received, Jones was helping out at a saw mill when a log rolled over him, causing his death in a short Continue Reading