“Last Tuesday morning about 11 o’clock, a part of young men were sky-larking on a boat at the foot of Madison street, and from friendly intercourse proceeded to harsh words, and afterwards adjourned to the shore and indulged in some vigorous shoulder-hitting. The principals seemed to be a young man Continue Reading
A Legal Notice in Boneyfiddle
“Sarah L Washington, who resides in Richmond, Missouri; Margaret R. Shelby, who resides in Richmond, Missouri; and Margaret M. Campbell, who resides in Monnett, Missouri, will take notice that on the seventh day of September, 1894, Maria V. Morris files her petition in the Common Pleas Court of Scioto county, Continue Reading
Shocking Murder In West End; John Morris Shot Down By Woman
“John William Richard Morris, aged 43, proprietor of the Star barber shop, was shot and almost instantly killed in his place of business in the Massie Block, on Market street, by Mrs. Nettie Collison Baker Shumate, aged 41, a comely grass widow, at 7:55 Wednesday evening.” “The murder came as Continue Reading
Plans for YWCA are Being Pushed
“The large parlor of the Pearl Selby home was crowded Friday morning with women interested in work for young women in the city.” Miss Maclaren sang “All the World is Dying for a Little Bit of Love” and no one seemed to even to try to restrain the tears as Continue Reading
Portsmouth’s Historic Front Street: An 1850 Perspective
“Front street, from Court to Chillicothe, which is now almost shoved out of the line of travel, and, when the mill is not running, is a quiet, deserted street, was forty years ago a lively and aristocratic portion of the city. Nearly all the travel up and down town passed Continue Reading
The Suicide of Photographer John N. Lutz
“Wednesday forenoon about half-past 11 o’clock JN Lutz, the well-known photographer, was discovered running rapidly from the direction of Jack Cropper’s saloon, diagonally across the street towards his own residence. Charley Wertz was driving along in his buggy at the time, and slightly reigning in his horse said:” “Hello, Jack, Continue Reading
Some Old Time Brick
“In tearing up a Second street sidewalk a few days ago a number of brick were found with the name ‘E. Doll’ in raised letters. This method of marking brick with the name of the manufacturer is generally supposed to be modern. The letters were even and well-formed. The brick Continue Reading
Boneyfiddle From Above
Mr. Blackburn’s Fruit & Vegetable Stand
A photographic contribution by Portsmouth-resident Mary Martha Questel of Mr. Blackburn’s Fruit and Vegetable Stand on the southwest corner of Third and Market Streets in Portsmouth, Ohio.
1978: Washington Hotel
The Washington Hotel at 500 2nd Street on the southeast corner of 2nd and Market Street facing southeast. Building appears to be under renovation. Note windows and interior floors and walls removed. Photograph developed August 1978. Donation by Mary Martha Questel.