Very Lovely are Tokens for Nettie Williams

“The funeral of Nettie Williams, the young girl, who died from her burns sustained at the pistol factory, took place at the family home on East Front street at two o’clock, Thursday afternoon. There was a large attendance at the services which were in charge of Reverend George P Taubman Continue Reading

A Woman Shot Dead by Her Husband at Sciotoville

“Last Tuesday morning the community of Sciotoville was thrown into an intense state of excitement upon the announcement that Mrs. Lucy Johnson had been killed by a shot from a revolver in the hands of her husband George W. Johnson. The Coroner Dr. Raschig, was telegraphed for about 11:30, and Continue Reading

Floyd Barlow Trampled by Vicious Horse

“Floyd Barlow came near being trampled to death by one of the horses of the Seventh street fire department Sunday morning. He is a son of Josiah Barlow, the driver of the hook and ladder wagon.” “Floyd went to the engine house to assist his father with his work and Continue Reading

Man Loses Arm Near Spring Lane Distillery

“William Counsel, a North Carolina Negro, was found alongside the Norfolk & Western track, opposite the Spring Lane distillery at four o’clock this morning with his left arm crushed to a pulp and bleeding profusely from a big hole on one side of his head and a bad scalp wound Continue Reading

Child Dies from Choking on Bean

“Barbara Ann McGraw, 11 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess McGraw, Rural Route 1, Portsmouth, Ohio, died yesterday at Children’s Hospital as surgeons attempted to extract a bean from her windpipe.” “The child was taken to the hospital early yesterday from Portsmouth after relatives became aware that she Continue Reading

Hotel Worker Dies in Mishap on West Side

“Bert J. Hurth, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. AI Hurth, 821 Second street, was killed in an automobile accident on Moore’s lane, West Side, at 12:30 AM today.” “Miss Lucille Baker, 22, of 608 Second street, was injured seriously.” “Charles W. Danzer, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Continue Reading

Ellis Montgomery Killed by Train

“Ellis, son of Sam Montgomery, formerly of the Greenup Lime works vicinity, was run over by a C and O freight train at Ashland last Friday, 31st ult, and instantly killed. He resided with an uncle at Kilgore and was on his way home. He was buried Saturday.

Oscar Williams: A Victim of Somnambulism

“The startling intelligence reached here Tuesday morning by wire, that Oscar Williams, son of Captain WB Williams of this city, had, while walking in his sleep, fallen from a window of the fourth story of the American House at Columbus, where he was boarded and was fatally injured. Later reports, Continue Reading

Taylor Barnes Meets Death in the B&O Train Yards

“Theodore Barnes, “Taylor,” yardmaster of the B&O SW Railroad at this place, while coupling cars last Monday, was caught between the bumpers and so severely crushed that he died the next evening at 8 o’clock. Mr. Barnes came to this city from Wellson about four months ago. He was a Continue Reading

Henry Seibert Found Face Down

“Henry Seibert, a farmer, who lives near Union Mills, was missed the latter part of last week. He was last seen at the opera house Wednesday. On the Monday following a man named Anderson was hunting in the Scioto bottoms west of Kaps’ brick yard. Approaching what he tool to Continue Reading