Ellis Brown Dies at the Star Brick Yard

“Undertaker AP Smalley of the Lynn morgue had failed to receive any word from relatives of Ellis Brown, negro, who died Friday when overcome with coal gas at a Star Yard brick plant. Although relatives were located and word was sent to them, no word as to what disposition to Continue Reading

Mary Dalton Dies at Girls Industrial Home

“A message received Monday by Judge Gilliland advised him of the death yesterday at the Girls’ Industrial Home at Delaware of Mary E Dalton, Hoffer Hill girl, who was 14 years old when committed to the institution three years ago from the local Juvenile court.” “The girl’s mother, Pearl Dalton Continue Reading

Dog Was Drunk

“Olive Hill, April 19- When Constable WD Haywood arrested a local man on a charge possessing mash, the owner said the mash was hog feed. As they discussed the matter someone shouted ‘mad dog.’ The officer saw a dog staggering toward him. He prepared to shoot, but discovered the animal Continue Reading

Johnst Hatfield Dies in Mountain Cabin

“Williamson, West Virginia. April 21. By the Associated Press. Johnst Hatfield, son of the late ‘Devil Anse’ Hatfield, and an active participant in the Hatfield-McCoy feud of years ago, died in his mountain cabin at Wharncliffe, near here, late last night.” “When the feud was at its height, Johnst, who Continue Reading

Ironton Dedicates New Bridge with Fitting Ceremonies

“Within 27 minutes after the bridge was thrown open after the automobile parade this morning 1492 machines passed over it.” “At 2 o’clock this afternoon it was estimated that 5000 visitors were here for the bridge opening. Lower clouds gave way to sunshine when the speaking program was reached and Continue Reading

The John T Hobstetter Funeral

“The body of JT Hobstetter was laid to rest yesterday in Greenlawn after short services were conducted from his home, 1227 Hutchins street, by Reverend Hugh L Evans. His six brothers, J Fred, Phillip, Henry, John, Adam, and Peter Hobstetter acted as pallbearers. Members of the Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and Continue Reading

Four Caught in Raid

“Fined for violating the prohibition laws four men, Charles Bell, John Pyles, Louis Pack, and George Jones were fined $100 and costs each by Squire George S Morgan under their plea of guilty when brought before the magistrate Friday.” “The men were taken in raids staged by county officers Thursday Continue Reading

Nauvoo United Methodist Church

The first Sunday School was held in the Nauvoo School House, corner of Washing Boulevard and Short Street, May, 1922, with a total of 19 present which included 11 children and 8 adults. The was organized by Reverend E.H. Dailey. Superintendent: Mr. Charles Doll; Secretary: Mrs. Leona Tipton; Treasurer: Mrs. Continue Reading

First Sunday School at Nauvoo United Methodist

The First Sunday School was held in the Nauvoo School House, corner of Washington Boulevard and Short Street, May, 1922, with a total of 19 present which included 11 children and 8 adults. The school was organized by Reverend EH Dailey. Superintendent: Mr. Charles Dolls; Secretary: Mrs. Leona Tipton; Treasurer: Continue Reading

38 at Infirmary

“Superintendent William Weidner of the county infirmary stated Friday that at present there were 38 inmates at that institution.”