Otto Osborne Drowns in Kinney Creek

“Vanceburg, June 17- Otto Osborne, 16, son of James Osborne of Red Bush, was drowned in Kinney creek near Records. He and a number of other boys were coming home and as they passed by the creek and the warm, sparking water tempted them, as all other boys, to try Continue Reading

Ephemera Friday #21: Photograph from Raven Rock Airport

For this week’s Ephemera Friday, we’re featuring a historic photo from Raven Rock Airport, taken on October 4, 1945. This small airstrip was located at what is now the site of Washington-Nile Schools in West Portsmouth, Ohio. In this image, a biplane sits on the field, with the hills of Continue Reading

“After more than a year’s illness of complications death at 11:20 o’clock last night claimed Mrs. George Nagel, the final summons coming at her home, 1217 Grandview avenue.” “Mrs. Clara Nagel was born at South Webster, this county, 38 years ago. Her maiden names was Clara Wesley. She was married Continue Reading

The Obituary of Uri Tracy

“The following relative to the death of Uri Tracy is from the Herald Courier of Bristol, Tennessee:” “Uri Tracy, aged 53 years, died Wednesday night at the Appalachian Hospital, at Johnson City, following a stroke of paralysis, which he received in Johnson City Saturday morning.” “The funeral services were conducted Continue Reading

Two Killed in Pistol Fight

“Two persons are dead and another seriously wounded as the result of a pistol fight near Jasper, Virginia, according to reports reaching here today. Marion Bishop was killed, it is said, after he opened fire on Will Legg at the home of a Mrs. Scalf. Mrs. Scalf’s daughter, Mrs. Hurd, Continue Reading

Still Found; Kimble Arrested

“Arch Kimble was taken into custody Sunday night by Sheriff Rickey and Deputy Al Richards and locked up at the county jail on a charge of possessing a still unlawfully. The arrest was made on complaint of the defendant’s wife and a search of his home on Eleventh street, near Continue Reading

Greenup Man Killed by Fall of Slate

“James Murphy, age 57 years, a well-known Greenup county man, was killed by a fall of slate in the mines of the Main Island Creek Coal Company at Barnabus, West Virginia, several days ago. The remains arrived in Ironton and were intrerred in Lawrence cemetery. Reverend Sampson conducted the funeral. Continue Reading

Can You Identify This Murdered Man?

December 5, 1921: Identity of Murder Victim Still a Mystery; Clues Are Followed by Officers “With his throat slashed from ear to ear, the lifeless body of an unidentified man about 50 or 55 years old, was found on Dry Run Sunday morning at 10:30 by William Bolton, who resides Continue Reading

1921: Poppy Week

“Next week is to be poppy week in Portsmouth. Five thousand silk poppies made in France are to be sold by the members of the woman’s clubs and in the stores.” “The American Legion received the poppies this week and placed them in the hands of Mrs. Isabelle Thomas for Continue Reading

Myrtle Purtee Adjudged Insane

“At an inquest held in probate court Friday, Myrtle Purtee, 23 years old, daughter of Mr and Mrs George Purtee, 316 Third street, was adjudged insane by Judge Gilliland and she was ordered committed to the Athens state hospital. The examination was conducted by Drs. WE Gault and Ira N Continue Reading