Think Suicide is Wash Baker

“The finding of the badly decomposed body of a man, apparently 70 or 75 years of age, hanging from the limb of a tree in the woods four miles from Stewartsville, Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, leads to the theory that the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Wash Baker, the Continue Reading

Plans for YWCA are Being Pushed

“The large parlor of the Pearl Selby home was crowded Friday morning with women interested in work for young women in the city.” Miss Maclaren sang “All the World is Dying for a Little Bit of Love” and no one seemed to even to try to restrain the tears as Continue Reading

Drowned Herself in the Ohio River

“Mrs. William Pitts, of East Eighth street, though a message received Thursday morning, learned that her niece, Miss Louella White, aged 26, had committed suicide Wednesday by throwing herself in the Ohio river.” “The scene of the tragic affair was at Kanaugua, a small town four miles east of Gallipolis. Continue Reading

Portsmouth’s Old Catholic Cemetery Transfers Ownership

“The old Catholic Cemetery, lying north of the city on the boulevard, which was the burial place for the local Catholics for many years preceding the war and afterwards, will soon be a thing of the past. By deed which was presented for record at the recorder’s office on Thursday, Continue Reading