Some Pork for the Infirmary

“Evidently they’re not counting on going hungry down at the county infirmary as Wednesday 27 hogs averaging 350 pounds each were butchered by Superintendent John Hall and John Miles. That’s some meat enough to supply the institution for a year. So let the price on bacon soar for all they Continue Reading

Six Cooper Children for Children’s Home

“Infirmary Director James McJunkin arrived from Rarden on a noon train Thursday with six young children named Cooper who were admitted to the children’s home. The mother of the youngsters died recently and the father, a poor laborer, was no longer able to provide proper care. There were three boys Continue Reading

Dog Kills Three Big Hogs

“Three good sized hogs on the George Malone farm near the county infirmary were killed outright and another so badly mangled by a viscous dog Thursday night, that it will die.” “The dog is the St. Bernard owned by Evan Surran, a poultry raiser and the same which attacked some Continue Reading

John Baer Escapes from the Infirmary

“John Baer, an aged German inmate of the county infirmary, escaped from that institution Tuesday night.” “Baer is though to have struck out for the Leopold Walter’s farm in Clay township. Police were notified although no special effort will be made to cause his return to the infirmary the officials Continue Reading

Fodder Was Swept Away

“The county’s entire supply of corn foder at the Infirmary has been carried away by the receding river.” “The loss is said to be the result of inexcusable carelessness for the corn was piled up not over 200 yards distant from the barn and could have been removed to a Continue Reading

Mose Beard At Infirmary

“It isn’t generally known that Mose Beard, an old-time Portsmouth brickmason, is at the county infirmary. He has been there for some time and tends to the heating furnace.”