“The funeral of Nettie Williams, the young girl, who died from her burns sustained at the pistol factory, took place at the family home on East Front street at two o’clock, Thursday afternoon. There was a large attendance at the services which were in charge of Reverend George P Taubman Continue Reading
Saw Mill Man Shot to Death
“Jacob Herrell, aged 60, a veteran saw mill man, was shot and almost instantly killed by his nephew, John Herrell, aged 40, during a violent quarrel in Jackson county, Tuesday night.” “The shooting occurred just across the Scioto county line five miles from Herrell’s home. The men had quarreled during Continue Reading
William Thompson Finds Wife Dead in Bed
“The wife of William Thompson, a stone cutter, who lives at Otway, was found dead in her bed Tuesday morning. Enfolded in the icy clasp of the mother’s arms was their youngest child aged five months. It was peacefully sleeping in its innocence unmindful of the fact that death had Continue Reading
Whitewash Man is Sent to Jail
“Reuben Hunt, the half-witted chap who whitewashed pennies so that they looked like dimes, pleaded guilty in mayor’s court to obtaining goods under false pretenses, and was given a fine of $10 and costs, and 10 days in jail. Rube may be half-witted, but he is bright enough to rope Continue Reading
Fergus Gagen Fell to Sleep on Train Track
“The mangled remains of Fergus Gagen, the former Scioto countian, who was run down by a N&W train at Nolan, West Virginia, arrived here Wednesday night, and were removed to Lynn’s undertaking establishment.” “The body lay on a cot, and was in charge of the dead man’s brother, WW Gagen, Continue Reading
Daulton Brothers Save Lives From Fire
“William and John Dalton, neighbors, saved the home of Jeff Davis from destruction and probably his family from cremation, this Thursday morning.” “Mr. Davis lives on Brouse’s run, below the infirmary, and his wife being away visiting Cincinnati, arose about 5 o’clock and got his breakfast. He went to the Continue Reading
Poker Davis Dies
“Word was received at South Portsmouth Wednesday afternoon of the death of William Davis, a former grocer of that place, at Haline, Washington. The message stated no particulars but was forwarded to the young man’s parents and at St. Paul, Kentucky.” “Davis who was familiarly known as Poker, mysteriously disappeared Continue Reading
Alma Huston Mitchell Dies at the State Asylum
Taken to Athens “Sheriff Ketter left over the B & O this morning, having in his charge Mrs. Oscar Mitchell, of Fifteenth street, who was last week adjudged insane in the probate court of this county and ordered committed to the state hospital at Athens. A sister of the unfortunate Continue Reading
Indian Wife Returns to Bill
“The half-breed Indian wife of Bill Guy, a Negro shanty-boatman, and who disappeared from their family boat at the mount of Pond Run, has returned to her former haunts.” “The woman was seen wandering about the willows and brushwood near Pond Creek Saturday and after considerable difficulty was brought to Continue Reading
Frony Hollingsworth: A Bad Girl
“Officer Joe Stokley arrested Frony Hollingsworth, 12 year old daughter of George Hollingsworth of North Waller street Tuesday afternoon on complaint of Phil Bauer, the broom manufacturer whose shop is on the same street. The girl is incorrigible and has developed into a habitual street walker. She broke the glass Continue Reading