John K. Duke: Preferred Death to the Pen

“John K. Duke, who was convicted last week at Portsmouth of embezzling the funds of two of the Building & Loan Associations of that city, thwarted the aims of justice by shooting himself through the head with a revolver, a few minutes before he was to have been sentenced to Continue Reading

Certificate of Vaccination Necessary to Land a Job in Portsmouth

“The ice is broken. Pressure that has been brought to bear by manufacturers is giving the health authorities clear sailing in enforcing vaccination throughout the city.” “Many of the leading industries of the city were represented at the meeting held at the Commercial club parlors, Tuesday evening. Mayor Milstead presided, Continue Reading

The Death of Engineer McAllister

“Charles McAllister, well-known C&O ferryboat engineer, died of consumption at his home in South Portsmouth at an early house this morning. Hea leaves a wife, Mrs. Maud McAllister. Miss Miriam McAllister, and Mrs. Stella McGlone, the latter of Vanceburg, Kentucky, were sisters. Charles was a son of James McAllister, also Continue Reading

Ephemera Friday #18: Grand Opera House Program

The four-paged paper program (Number 65. Friday, February 27, 1903) for Portsmouth, Ohio’s Grand Opera House for the 1902-1903 season. The first page includes advertisements for local businesses such as John Vetter, a tailor, and Haas, Schwartz & Co., a retailer of suits, overcoats, and trousers, and jeweler CH Harris. Continue Reading

Man Loses Arm Near Spring Lane Distillery

“William Counsel, a North Carolina Negro, was found alongside the Norfolk & Western track, opposite the Spring Lane distillery at four o’clock this morning with his left arm crushed to a pulp and bleeding profusely from a big hole on one side of his head and a bad scalp wound Continue Reading

Sarah Huffman Buried in Greenlawn

“The late Mrs. Sarah Huffman, of St. Louis, formerly Sarah Smith, of this city, was buried this afternoon in Greenlawn cemetery. Funeral services were held at Sixth street church of which she was formerly a member.”[/efn_note]Buried in greenlawn. (1903, August 29). Portsmouth Times, p. 6.[/efn_note]

Despondent Elza Osborn Attempts to Commit Suicide

“Elza Osborn, a Lawson Heights man, who was reported missing Tuesday, was found early this morning, lying flat on his back and covered with a mosquito bar, in a neighbor’s yard, in a serious condition. The man was unconscious and writhing in agony from poison self-administered.” “Officer Stokely called the Continue Reading

Burglar Robs Saloon

“George Foehr, who runs a saloon and lives at the corner of Eleventh and Chillicothe streets, was robbed by a burglar some time Tuesday night. The thief gained entrance by prying off a shutter and breaking open a window in the dining room. He carried away about forty dollars worth Continue Reading