RJ Coach, a general manager of the Phoenix Detective agency, Cincinnati, is negotiating with Samuel Timmonds, superintendent of the Portsmouth Street Railway company, for an exhibition at Athletic park of his clever expose on the trick of hypnotists, whereby subjects are buried and then resurrected several days afterward. The expose Continue Reading
The Obituary of Little Elizabeth Patterson
“The sincere sympathy of many friends go out to Mr. and Mrs. James H. Patterson, of Greenlawn Heights, in the sad bereavement which has befallen them. Their little daughter, Elizabeth, died Saturday evening of spinal meningitis, at about half-past seven. She was three years and five months old. The remains Continue Reading
Dad Brown Fell From Grace Again and Is in the Station House.
Dad Brown, once a firefighter, was recently arrested along with Mandy Martin at her home in “Paradise Alley.” Previously incarcerated for “various infidelities,” he now faces another likely term in the Cincinnati workhouse. Both were seized in bed and detained by the police.
The Death of Charley Ziegler
“The announcement of the death of Charles H. Ziegler, of the firm of the Portsmouth Tinware company at his home at Manchester Friday evening, came as a great shock to his many friends in this city. It was known that he had been very ill with something like appendicitis, but Continue Reading
Sallie McCandless, Eleventh Street Madam, Will Go to the Pen
“Sallie McCandless, the notorious Eleventh street madam, whose part in the Kelley-Myers escapade has won her so much notoriety, got her sentence today. Judge Collins overruled the motion for a new trial. Sentence of eighteen months in the penitentiary was passed upon her. The court was inclined to be lenient, Continue Reading
Their Final Hunt
Adolph Glockner and Henry Frowine left Wednesday for Powellsville on the final quail hunt of the season. They have been very successful from the start and got their full quota almost every day spent in the field. Erik Thomson has bagged 185 quail to date.”
Constable Evan’s Gruesome Experience
“Constable Bruce Evans had a gruesome experience Sunday afternoon. A man drove up from the county infirmary to see him and told him that he had seen a body floating down the Ohio river. He was unable to get close enough to get it. Constable Evans immediately got a skiff Continue Reading
Acid Thrower From Vanceburg Thought to Have Come to Portsmouth
“Marshall Schmitt received a letter today from Robert Kress, of Buena Vista, stating that he brought a man to this city Tuesday night whom he has every reason to believe was the man who threw muriatic acid in the face of Captain Hoobler, near Vanceburg, Tuesday evening.” “It was about Continue Reading
Charles Frowine Jr. Dies in Colorado
“A telegram was received Tuesday morning by Charles Frowein, Sr., a prominent farmer of Harrison township, notifying him of the death of his son, Charles Frowein, Jr., of Manitou, Colorado. His death was directly due to typhoid fever.” “It appears, however, that a few weeks ago, as Mr. Frowein was Continue Reading
Ephemera Friday #7: Karl Zoellner Promoted
Today’s Ephemera Friday comes from Portsmouth, Ohio’s Public Schools. On June 11th 1897, Miss Emma M. Cramer presented the above certificate to a 13-year-old Karl Zoellner. This Certificate of Promotion entitled young Zoellner to admission to Advanced Grammar, which given his age, would be equivalent to today’s middle school. Interestingly, Continue Reading