“The red-handed anarchistic dynamiter who has been working his own free will in his attempts to destroy property, got in his most destructive piece of work thus far last Saturday night. A keg of powder and a few sticks of dynamite were recklessly exploded in the portal of the Second Continue Reading
Whispers of Madness: Taylor Burns’ Last Year
“Taylor Burns, who has been in jail in default of bond for his appearance in probate court, has displayed some evidence of insanity. The sheriff has written his parents and it is probable that an inquest will be held in lieu of prosecution on a criminal charge. He was arrested Continue Reading
John Went Visiting
“A colored woman, the wife of John Steptoe, who lives on North Waller street, was hunting Mayor Row yesterday afternoon with a tale of woe on her lips. She claimed that her husband was unfaithful and said that yesterday afternoon she had caught him visiting a white woman living in Continue Reading
Some Old Time Brick
“In tearing up a Second street sidewalk a few days ago a number of brick were found with the name ‘E. Doll’ in raised letters. This method of marking brick with the name of the manufacturer is generally supposed to be modern. The letters were even and well-formed. The brick Continue Reading
“Wheeling, West Virginia, November 3 – Jealousy caused terrible tragedy at Georgetown, Ohio, three miles west of this city. All concerned in the affair were from Wheeling. Scott Linton shot Dot Gray, a woman of the town said to have been his wife, and William Metzger, in whose company she Continue Reading
A Sad Drowning at Buena Vista
“News reached the city today of a sad drowning which occurred yesterday afternoon near Buena Vista, the victim being Jesse, the little ten year old son of David Metzer, a prominent farmer in that community.” “The accident occurred shortly after noon. The two little sons of Mr. Metzer, Walter aged Continue Reading
Carey’s Run Gold Digging
“Pel Wishon has the contract for putting down a three hundred foot shaft on the Hornung farm, at the head of Carey’s Run. The object of the shaft is to reach gold quartz, supposed to be lodged in Carey’s Run soil. Pel says some of the quartz they are after Continue Reading
Unmarked Soldiers’ Graves
“The following list of deceased soldiers buried in Greenlawn cemetery, whose graves are unmarked, was handed the undersigned. If the friends, or families, of these deceased soldiers will call at my office and give me the company and regiment and the date of death, I will order headstones for each Continue Reading
Not Lunatics
“Judge Osborn held two lunacy inquests Tuesday afternoon. Doctors Pixley and Halderman were the examining physicians. The father of ‘Dutch’ White sought to send him to the asylum, but the examining board found him to be more of an imbecile than a lunatic, and he was allowed to go free. Continue Reading
Flora Walk and Frank Hill at the Infirmary
“A few days ago Flora Walk, an 18 year old inmate of the county infirmary, was enticed away from the poor farm by one Frank Hill, also an inmate of the infirmary. Hill and the girl ran around together for a couple of days and then he left her. The Continue Reading