“Portsmouth is to have another shoe factory. That much has been definitely settled. The company has been in process of organization for several months. Dr. Tremper and Charles N. Franck are the prime movers in the new concern. The company was incorporated at Columbus Thursday. It will be known as Continue Reading
The Valley Railroad Brought a Good Price
“The Valley road was sold at public auction today to the B&O for $3,700,000, being a million and a half above the minimum price set by the court.”
A Hot Chase: A Horse Thief Pursued for Three Days by the Man He Robbed
“William Marion Nichols was locked up in the county jail this morning on the charge of horse stealing. He was brought here this morning from Pond Run by Constable Punteney and Joseph L Smith, of Kentucky. His arrest was the finale of a hot chase of three days by the Continue Reading
Reverend David Webb Guilty of Fornication
“The Jury Says That David Webb is Guilty of Fornication” “They Also Say That Oscar Rickey Shot at With Intent to Wound, and that Abe Meyer Sold Liquor to Minors – The Criminal Grind and Other Business at the Court House.” “The trial of the Reverend David I Webb, indicted Continue Reading
Miss Anna Stamm Dies of Consumption
“Anna Stamm, a young lady twenty-five years of age, died Wednesday night at the home of her mother, on Jefferson street. Death was caused by consumption. In company with another family the Stamm’s came from Germany a few years ago. After remaining here awhile the men of the family got Continue Reading
1895: Tragedy on the Ohio
“A curious crowd hung around the Mayor’s office where Weaver’s Remains were taken.” “The mayor’s slate was blank Thursday morning not even an ordinance nor law having been fractured last night so far as is known. A large crowd, however, hung around the office for several hours in the morning Continue Reading
Infirmary Husked 1600 Bushels of Corn
“Superintendent Wishon, of the county infirmary has finished husking the county corn crop. The farm raised 1600 bushels and it was all husked by inmates of the infirmary, something never done before, so Superintendent Wishon says.”
What the Poor Cost Us
“The annual report of Clerk Merrill of the board of infirmary directors, has been compiled and gives some interesting facts and figures. The total amount of the orders drawn by the board during the year was $11,537.28. They received from other counties for relief of the poor belonging there $264.26; Continue Reading
Must Take Her Back
“Superintendent Wishon and infirmary director McDaniels will leave in the morning for Lawrence county to consult the infirmary board there in regard to the removal of the Johnson woman to the Lawrence county infirmary. They positive proof that she was a resident of Decatur township when sent to the infirmary Continue Reading
A Small Row on Carey’s Run
“There was a lively little row last evening on Carey’s run between Cy Jeffords and his step-son and Charlie Wishon, youngest son of Superintendent Henry Wishon, of the county infirmary, and Frank Hill. The two later were driving cows to Union Mills from the infirmary. Jeffords accused young Wishon of Continue Reading