On December 8, 1882, the U.S. Senate required the Secretary of Interior to submit a list of pensioners on the roll January 1, 1883. The Secretary of Interior submitted the completed list to the Senate on March 1, 1883. The 1883 Pension Roll was published that year in five volumes as Continue Reading
Death of a Talented Lady: Mary Lou Francis Emmitt
“Waverly, Ohio, December 16 (1884) — Mr. George D Emmitt, who was called to the bedside of his daughter, Mrs. Lou Fitz-Emmitt, at Memphis, Tennessee, arrived here last night with the lady’s remains, she having died before his arrival in Memphis. Miss Lou Emmitt was a general favourite here, her Continue Reading
An Old Landmark
“Last Tuesday afternoon, the west end of the two-story brick house, occupied for years by Mrs. McCloud as a restaurant and fruit stand until Thursday of last week when she vacated it, fell with a crash, on Front Street. Its west wall had begun to crumble last Saturday night. Fortunately Continue Reading
Portsmouth’s Old Bridge Arch
“The old arch pier on Scioto street is no more and the stone has been removed and used in the rip rap wall at the West Side abutment.” Only months before its removal the stone archworks had anchored the eastern terminus of the Second Street bridge. In May 1884, the Continue Reading
1884: Portsmouth Ohio Decoration Day
“Next Friday is Memorial day in the calendar, and the Bailey Post G.A.R. has completed the most perfect arrangements for a a proper observance of the day by not only decorating the graves of the soldiers but dedicating the newly made Memorial Circle in Greenlawn Cemetery. The following is:” The Continue Reading
The Graveyard on the Hill
“There is a calm for those who weep,A rest for wear pilgrims found;They softly lie, and sweetly sleepLow in the ground.” “Thus sang the poet, and with what fitness, can be more deeply felt by a quiet hour in the graveyard on the hill overlooking the city.” “Portsmouth claims, and Continue Reading
The Flood of 1884 Ends a Name
“Jeremiah Collins, Jr., only son of the late Jerry Collins, died suddenly last Monday night. He had been exposed by the flood which probably hastened his death. He was in his 19th year. Father, mother, and son have died within two months! The funeral services were held at the church Continue Reading
Fall of the Suspension Bridge
“At a quarter to eleven o’clock last Wednesday morning this city witnessed a horrible catastrophe in the falling of the suspension bridge which spanned the mount of the Scioto River from the terminus of west Second street to the tow-path on the West Side. The crash of the falling structure Continue Reading