“Alice Wymer, a smallpox nurse from Ironton, ame down to the city this week, but as soon as her presence in town was known, she was sent back there by order of the Board of Health.”
John Crabtree Shoots to Kill
“John Crabtree had his hearing before the Mayor yesterday and was bound over to court in the sum of $500 for shooting with intent to kill. The fracas occurred on the night of the 24th of last December at Pioneer Switch, and the complaining witness was William Jackson.”(1881, September 17). Continue Reading
Death of a Former Portsmouthian
“In Marion county, Illinois, on the 7th inst., Mrs. Catherine Hatch died of dropsy of the heart, aged eighty-six years. The deceased was quite well known here, having at one time been a resident of the county, and will be remembered as a sister of the late M. Kehoe. She Continue Reading
A Fiend Inoculated for a Diabolical Purpose.
“Theodore Stimel, hailing from Ironton, was found by Dr. Davidson, last Tuesday, lying on the cmmonds, in a high stage of fever, and was removed to the hospital yard, where a small house was erected for his especial occupancy. Later it was ascertained that Stimel had the smallpox, and was Continue Reading
A Woman Shot Dead by Her Husband at Sciotoville
“Last Tuesday morning the community of Sciotoville was thrown into an intense state of excitement upon the announcement that Mrs. Lucy Johnson had been killed by a shot from a revolver in the hands of her husband George W. Johnson. The Coroner Dr. Raschig, was telegraphed for about 11:30, and Continue Reading
The Death of John Schultz
John Shultz, 32, died at his Portsmouth home on October 9. A lifelong resident and employee of TM Lynn for 16 years, he was known for his honesty and industrious nature. Shultz, who is survived by his wife and child, was laid to rest following a funeral at Fifth Street German Church.
Scioto County Man Drowns in Quicksand
“Portsmouth, Ohio, August 1. –Robert Colegrove, a young man twenty years of age, and son of Peleg Colegrove, a prominent farmer of Madison Township, this county, was drowned today while swimming in Pine Creek. He stepped into quicksand and was lost before his companions were aware of his danger.
An Old Citizen Returns
“We had a pleasant call last Thursday from Mr. Enoch Lewis, a former resident of Portsmouth, but now living in Iowa. Mr. Lewis left Portsmouth in 1835, 46 years ago, and this is his first visit to the scenes of his boyhood. He resided in Portsmouth from 1826 to 1835, Continue Reading
Portsmouth and Cincinnati Railroad in Portsmouth
“Articles of incorporation have been signed here for the Portsmouth and Cincinnati Railroad. The incorporators are Samuel Reed, John P Terry, Thomas P Brown, M Stanton, JF Towell, AM Damarin, JD Clare.”