Emancipation Day at Davis’ Grove

“The colored people of Scioto county propose celebrating Emancipation Day at Davis’ grove, on the Scioto Valley Railway, on Monday, 22nd of September.”

Ellen McKinney Makes Her Escape from the Scioto County Jail

“Very few persons know that there was a jail escapade from Sheriff Pursell last Sunday night week. The incident, very suspiciously too, has been suppressed as far as it could be, none of the city papers thus far having published it. It was a very strange escapade, for it was Continue Reading

Nile Township Scandal: Constable Elopes With Another Man’s Wife

“The citizens of Nile township have felt outraged and indignant over a recent scandal, that finally developed into a run-away scrape.” “About thirteen years ago a young man named Benjamin F. Hutsenpiller, married an excellent young lady of that township, a daughter of Mr. John Evans. There was no trouble Continue Reading

The Sudden Demise of John McElhaney

John McElhaney, well-known in this city, where he resided for many years, died very suddenly at his residence, in Lewis county, Kentucky, six miles from Portsmouth, last Thursday morning, at seven o’clock, of rheumatism of the heart, in his fifty-ninth year. He had been in his usual health, and his Continue Reading

Philip Jacob Herder’s Fatal Accident

“The community was shocked last Wednesday morning to learn of the sudden death of Philip Jacob Herder, a respectable German farmer of Clay township, which occured at the house of his son, Jacob, at 3 o’clock that morning. The circumstances of the painful accident are as follows:” “Mr. Herder was Continue Reading

Death of an Old Soldier

“There died at his residence on the Portsmouth and Gallipolis pike, between this city and Sciotoville, at 3 o’clock last Saturday afternoon, the oldest German in Scioto county, John Behner, in his 90th year. The deceased came to this county in 1836 and has been a continuous resident here ever Continue Reading