The Obituary of Mrs. Julia A. Searl

“Mrs. Julia A. Searl, wife of Judge FC Searl, died, of pneumonia, last Monday afternoon, at twenty minutes past twelve o’clock. She had been confined to her bed for several days previous to her decease, but it was hardly believed that her situation was a critical one. Her sudden death Continue Reading

The Obituary of Theodore Lehman

“Theodore Lehman, an industristious German cigar maker, having a stand on the northwest corner of Fourth and Chillicothe streets, died last Tuesday morning of paralysis of the brain. He was taken with a violent pain in his head Saturday night, and shortly after lost all consciousness, which was never restored. Continue Reading

In Memoriam to Eliza Ellison

“Mrs. Eliza Ellison, wife of Joseph Ellison, of Sciotoville, Ohio, departed this life July 15th, 1876, aged fifty-nine years and four months, after suffering a severe and painful illness for near four months. She was a kind and affectionate wife and mother. It was a sad loss to the family, Continue Reading

The Obituary of John Doerr

“Mr. John Doerr, notice of whose fall through the cellar-way of his house we published recently, died at the residence of his son, Fred Doerr, last Wednesday night, at 11 o’clock. Mr. Doerr was born in Germany, in October, 1799, and has been a resident of this city for a Continue Reading

The Obituary of Charles McNamar

“Died , on Tuesday, July 11th, at five o’clock in the morning, Charles O. McNamar, aged 26 years, 8 months and 10 days.” “The deceased was a man that was well-spoken of by all that were acquainted with him. He was a man that never drank any intoxicating liquors. He Continue Reading

The Obituary of Peter Noel

“Peter Noel, an ol citizen of Scioto county, died at his residence in Clay township o Tuesday last, in the ninetieth year of his age. His father Philip Noel, emigrated to this county in the fall of 1798, with seven children -Peter, the eldest, being then in his 12th year. Continue Reading

The Obituary of Miss Ida Kirby

“Miss Ida Kirby, step-daughter of Mr. James Keyes, died of quick consumption last Monday night, after several months of painful illness. She was a member of Sixth Street Methodist Episcopal Church, a kind and affectionate daughter, and much beloved by her acquaintances. Her funeral services were conducted at her late Continue Reading

Greenlawn Cemetery’s March 1876 Sexton Report

3rd- Christena Meisner, aged fifty-eight years; dropsy.3rd- Henry Martin, aged twenty-nine years; consumption.4th- Julia Salsbury, aged fifty-two years; tumor.6th- Child of Homer Montgomery, aged two months; inflammation of bowels.7th- Martha J. Shoup, aged thirty years; consumption.7th- Maria Debo, aged thirty years; inflammation of bowels.8th- Hettie Stevenson, aged sixty-eight years, consumption10th- Continue Reading

The Sudden Death of Edmund Walsh

“Edmond Walsh, an old and highly respectable citizen of Brush Creek township, residing on Bloody Run, died suddenly, at the residence of John Spellacy, on the Calvert farm, in Washington township, last Thursday evening. Mr. Walsh and his son had been to the city with a wagon load of pork, Continue Reading

Pistols and Knives for Two

“Information has reached us of an unfortunate affray, at the flats of Brush Creek, by parties living in Union township, on Monday last, by which one was stabbed in the face, and another was shot in the leg. Some persons from Lombardsville vicinity had been to town, and on the Continue Reading