Snyder Cemetery – Valley Township, Scioto County, Ohio

Cemetery Location Description:

OGSCN: 11029. Owner: Family Cemetery. Sect: SE 1/4 of S9-T3:R21. Location: 0.5 mile north of Fallen Timber Road. Coon Hollow Road. George Snyder farm (1978).


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Month 99, 2020 Cemetery Visit:

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Snyder Cemetery WPA Veterans Burial Map:

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Cemetery Notes:

  • 20250105: Cemetery needs located. Review of aerial imagery shows that there is a possible fenced enclosure at 38.92552466095693, -82.96557849838823, however this could be old foundations or animal enclosures. A review of the Scioto County Recorder does not record Parcel (24-0526.000) as containing a burial ground or having been owned by a George Snyder, however, records online only go back to 1995. The legal description does mention 2 acres by exempt, but not for what purpose.
  • 20250105: Currently Parcel 24-0526.000 is owned by James D. Workman Jr (Life Estate) and Shirley A. Wagner and Carl Wagner (Joint Survivorship).
  • 20250105: The FindAGrave page for Snyder Cemetery has several photographs taken in 2012 that note that they were taken with permission of Brian Snyder. A Brian Christopher Snyder does live nearby on Parcel 24-0487.000 and a review of that parcel does mention a George Snyder.

Page Updated On:

January 5, 2024